3P's lessons plans

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

Rooms of the house for Elementary English Teachers

 This resource is included in the House Unit available here: 


Useful for the English as a Second Language Specialist.

English as a Second Language Specialist.

Using this resource with your students they will be able to understand and produce in an oral form the parts of the house using the simple present (grammar). They will learn to ask questions and use the preposition of place with the family members.

Introduce the home vocabulary. Place the house flashcard in the middle of the board. Teach the new word of the unit creating a mind map.
Start adding the rooms of the house for your students to repeat.
Teacher: This is the bathroom!
Students: bathroom!
Students can look, point to each room of the house and say each word: bedroom!
Talk about the color of the rooms. Teacher: What color is the bathroom?
Students: blue!
Teacher: What color is the bathroom in your house?
Students: It’s gray!

home vocabulary flashcards

By now, the students should be able to identify and name the parts of the house. They can say which one is their favorite room in the house.

Teacher: What’s your favorite room in the house?
Student 1: The bathroom.
Tally the answers and draw conclusions of the results with your class.
Teacher: What was the favorite room in the house?
Student 1: the dining room.

parts of the house

Make connections with prior knowledge.The Family Members are in the house. Students will be able to state where the family members are. It is a good moment to revise the family members vocabulary. Make an emphasis to the phrase in the (room)
Stick the flashcards on the board and an arrow to a room and say a sentence: Mother is in the bathroom.
Elicit who they see and where they are. Review the pronouns he and she.
Ask questions: Where is father?
Students: He is in the living room.

Family Members are in the house flashcards

Place only the parts of the house flashcards on the board and hand in a family member to seven students. They have to listen to your sentences to where they to put them.
Teacher: Father is in the living room.
Then, ask questions: Where is grandpa?
Students: He’s in the kitchen.
Teacher: Is grandma in the bathroom?
Students: yes, she is.
Teacher: Is the baby in the garden?
Students: No, he isn’t.

parts of the house flashcards

Review the key language by Playing this guessing game.  Place a family member with an arrow that goes to a room of a house, but cover the flashcard of the family member or put in backwards. Have students ask yes/no questions: Is mother in the garden?
Teacher: NO! Guess again!
Students: Is sister in the garden?
Teacher: yes!! Uncover the family member.
Continue with more.

guessing game

Display the rooms of the house flashcards in different parts of the classroom. Select 6 students to go to one of the them: Pedro, go to the kitchen!

When all the students are at a room ask questions: Lily, where are you?
Lily: I am in the living room.

Talk about your house. Present there is and there are for this activity. Try to create a house map and place several bedrooms and bathrooms. Teacher: There are 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house. There is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen.
Ask negative questions: Are there four kitchens?
Students: NO! There aren’t four kitchens. There is one.
Have several students come and place the flashcards to represent their home.

Talk about your house

I have checked several text books and I haven’t seen the parts of the house in the scope and sequence. But I will include the flashcards in the resource. Just make a simple mind map to introduce the new words: roof, door, chimney, window using the  flashcards.

parts of the house flñashcards activity

There is a set of several houses with different colors and with roofs, chimneys, doors and windows in different color condition. Have your students do sorting on the board or on the table. Students can sort by color the chimney.

several houses with different colors and with roofs, chimneys, doors and windows

It can also be the doors.

Try with the Windows.

Hope you print your flashcards and provide your students with games and activities for practising the new vocabulary.

Check my other blog for more resources, ideas and activities for the House Unit:


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