3P's lessons plans

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2022

Speaking Skill for the Kindergarten English Language Learner.

 There is a lot of information, research and more for adults on the speaking skill but for our young learners it is hard to find. I have been reading and I guess that by my experience is what I will write about a few ideas.

Children will start speaking English at their own pace, just like the way they speak their mother tongue, some do it so fast that it is amazing, others take more time. I have twins, both would understand and speak Spanish which is our Mother tongue and English came easily for one twin and not for the other. Today, both are fluent in both languages. As for my students I have had the opportunity to see them older and be amazed at how well  they can speak English.Even some students that didn't speak a thing in class were very fluent in English.

 My advice, keep doing all you can in class for the speaking skill, it will be different for each of your students. They will speak at their own time, be patient. Here are some things that you can do!

1. Use the responsive speaking as your students give short replies to questions. 
Teacher: What color is this?
Students: Yellow!!

2. Engage students in speaking activities. Have them name patterns, such as boy, girl, boy, girl.

3. Use short and simple drills. It can be anything. My example: look, a pencil. Look, a book. Look, a chair. Look, a table. 

4. Use extensive speaking and prepare show and tell activities. I always include a draw something about the unit worksheet which are perfect for the show and tell. Let me add one here.

5. Use props to aid students into speaking. It can be I like bananas as in the picture. Puppets are useful, too.

6. Promote interaction through pair and group work. I can't say it enough, games are a must for the younger stduents. It makes them speak without knowing! Here is one of the games taht I include in each unit.

7. Use short and simple sentences that you can model for them to repeat at their own pace.

I am sure that you have more ideas to comment below!

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2022

Listening in the kindergarten EFL class

 Listening is a much debated topic for the teaching community. Do you do a lot of listening with your kindergarten students? Do put a lot of viseos to keep them busy? Do you use the CD that comes with the book series that you are using ? Or, are your speaking all the time and your students just listening?

Listening in the kindergarten EFL class

It is said that usually students do more listening in class that speaking. And, yes, it is important that students do a lot of listening before they start speaking. Open with model sentences that they can recreate with other vocabulary.

There some types of classroom listening performance that we should include in our lesson planning.

Reactive listening in which or students will listen to any word, stucture and repeat it.Great for choral drills.

Responsive listening where you want a response from your students. 
When you greet them at the door, you say Hi! and they inmediately answer: Hi! 

When you give them commands such as: stand up,sit down, come here, color, cut, show me, draw!

When you check comprehension as you dictate something for a worksheet or activity book: Color the square yellow!

Play games where students have to point to a picture or flashcard as they listen to what is said.

Have students draw, or color to what you say.

Model sentences, phrases for your students to repeat as you show flashcards.

Ask questions about any drawing, something on the student book or flashcards.

As you write your lesson plan, make sure to include listening activities. Plan any listening resources that will be of interest of your young learners.There are many games that make them speak and have others listen.

All my resources are available at my TPT store.  
