3P's lessons plans

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta feelings. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta feelings. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2019

Family member’s name, face and emotions for ESL

This is the second part of the family unit resource. All will be one product. LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Flashcards-worksheets-and-more-for-Elementary-ESL-students-4841832
family unit resource
It is available in this other store:
Watch the video of the complete resource:

Family members have a name.Use the possessive adjectives to introduce them.
Teacher: Who is this?
Students: Mother!
Teacher: What’s the mother’s name?
Students: Patricia. Her name is Patricia.
Continue with all the family members.
possessive adjectives family members flashcards

Family members have facial features
Use the flashcards to describe the parts of the face.
Teacher: Who is this?
Students: Mother!
Teacher: Look at the mother! She has curly black hair. She has black eyes.
                      Family members  facial features flashcards

Insert each flashcard into a clear plastic sheet and using dry erase markers have the students label the facial features.

Students will understand how to use adjectives to express emotions.
I made a set of worksheets that can be done in a group to color in the facial features and the emotions. Each student can do one family member and then present to the class.
adjectives to express emotions worksheets

Or, they can exchange with other students in the group and read. The teacher can start a question and answer session.

Teacher: Who is this?
Students: The aunt!
Teacher: What’s her name?
Students: Her name is Lucy.
Teacher: Does she have brown hair?
Students: Yes, she does!
Teacher: Does she have blue eyes?
Students: No, she doesn’t. She has green eyes.
Teacher: Is she happy or sad?
Students: She is happy!

I also added a smaller set just in case you needed it.
After the little faces are done, you can sort the family members by hair color.
                                     Or sort by eye color.

Family Unit Pocket charts can be used for reading purpose and have them work in pairs to complete the reading task.Use these to ask yes/no questions: Is this Father?

ask yes/no questions family unit pocket chart

If you do not have a pocket chart, try making the sentences on the desk or a mat.
Make it fun to read using a pointer. I had this old one from the Dollar Tree store.

I found these dry erase cutouts and use it for writing the sentences in the pocket charts.
You can make your own sentences for the pocket charts. I used these strips that I had from the Dollar Store.
Or cut the words and have the students make the sentences.
To end this part of the Family Unit I made a game board.

The golf balls are the markers for each student, I placed a clip behind each ball. The cards are light green (female) or dark green (male) depending if landing on the dark or green part of the game board. Students move along the board as they answer the questions correctly.

               This resource is part of the Family Unit BUNDLE:   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Unit-BUNDLE-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6704385
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miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Adjectives for Elementary ELL

Link to the Adjectives resource is here for your lesson planning :
or, It is available here: 
Adjective Flashcards: I made a big collection of adjective flashcards. It wasn´t easy to classify them. I made 101 flashcards.  There are adjectives for people, things, feelings, size, time, weather, origin, quantity, taste, appearance, condition and more.  You might be using them according to your scope and sequence of your book series or for writing lessons.
Adjectives flashcards printables

Improve listening skills with this flashcard activity. Show students the flashcards.
Teacher: Look at the girl. She is wearing a dress. It is big. Continue with shoes and suit.
Then compare the flashcards related to the tie, dress and skirt.
Activity 1 :  describe a flashcard only using an adjective. The children point to it and guess which one is it.
Teacher: long and big.
Students: purple dress.

Activity 2:  Write several adjectives on the board. Have the students place the flashcards under each adjective. Graph the results. You can do this by using pictures from magazines.
For extra practice. Students can classify   clothes from magazines and make new adjectives + clothes words combinations.
Up and down:
Have your students stand up and sit down as you show the flashcards or arrow cutouts. 
 You can also give instructions using their hands.
Teacher: Hands up !
Teacher: Hands down !
Teacher: Boys, Hands up. Girls, Hands down.
Then introduce left and right.
Teacher: Hands to the right!
Teacher: Hands to the left!

Activity 3: Bring 4 students to the front and give each one an instruction.
Teacher: Student 1, hand to the left. Student 2, hand to the right. Student 3, hands up. Student 4, hand down.

Activity 4: Place all the arrows in a row on the board and have the students stand under the arrow that has the instruction given by you.

Activity 5: Make a pattern. Ask 4 students to come to the front.  Give each one a command.
Point to student 1: hands up. Point to student 2: hands down. Point to student 3: hands up. Point to student 4: hands down.
Touch each students head and have the class say the command.
Create more patterns with hands to the left and hands to the right.

Play beanbag game. Make 2 beanbags. Place all the flashcards on the floor in random order and have students take turns throwing the 2 beanbags to the opposite adjectives

Open and close: use the children´s book. Have them open and close the book as you say it. Go to the door and/or window of the classroom. Open and close them.

Dirty and clean:  Show the flashcard.

Teacher: Who´s he ?
Students: a boy.
Teacher: Is he clean ?  
Students: No. He is dirty.

Flashcard Game: hand in a flashcard to each student. Have them stand in a circle  or two lines facing each other. When you give them a signal, they walk around looking for their opposite and stand together. When you signal to stop, the winners are the students that have stood together correctly.  Mix the flashcards again and play one more time.

Picture dictation:  Children listen and draw what you say.   This is John. He is tall. He is fat. He is young . He is strong. He has brown hair.

I made a set of 26 face cards. I included all the combination of hair and eye color, curly and straight, long and short hair, young and old. Have students describe each one using the physical appearance adjectives. There´s a number and a name on each one for identifying games purpose.

Another set of 48 cards displaying people.

Activity 6:  write all the hair color on the board and have students classify the cards.
 You can also classify the cards by tall, short, fat, thin.

I included some adjective label words. Place a people flashcard on the board and have the students find the correct labels. They can work with this on their tables.

 Finally, place all 48 cards on the board and describe a person. This is a good listening and speaking activity.
Teacher: She is tall and thin. She has short blond hair.
   Students: Number 28. She is Pam.
   Teacher: Number 10. He is 
Students: He is tall and thin. He has long black hair.

Now , Using the same character, Mr. Big Nose. I created another book using adjectives.

I love craft sticks puppets even for the older kids. This is a classification game.

I cut the toilet paper tubes in half and taped a classification word.  I cut all the pictures and glued each one on a craft stick and also glued the word. But, you can glue only the picture and have the students find the word. Use the puppets in games such as finding the opposite. 

Follow me at my Facebook group!!   https://www.facebook.com/ESLPreschoolTeachers

martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

Feelings and Emotions Activities for Elementary ESL

 Link to the resource:

                                  Watch the video of the resource:

The shapes and feelings book: here´s a book to review shapes and colors. Students will fill in the blanks with a feelings word and draw the mouth expression accordingly. There´s another version where students will also fill in the shape word. Nice to cover the vocabulary and grammar.
Emotions shapes printable book

The family and feelings book: students will review family members as they draw the mouth expression and write the feeling. This is also included in the family blog post and TPT unit.

Feelings Clip Board: use it in your literacy center for active learning. Students can independently put the clip word corresponding to the picture. They can practice the new words and solve the problem at his/her own pace.
I glued the word onto wood clothespin.

Monsters Feeling Book: There´s a colored version to be used as a reader.  
There´s a second version to be used as a coloring book. Students have to read in order to color the monster by reviewing facial parts and colors. It will give children the opportunity to practice coloring inside the lines with patience and improving motor skills. Students will have to focus on each part of the face. 

I included puppets to along to identify emotions and name them.

Word wall: Display the pictures and words on the wall or bulletin board. Use it before, after or during reading or writing activities. It can be used individually, small groups or the whole class as a permanent reference to the new words creating a rich print environment.

I am adding the flashcards.

Trace the word cards: children learn to read  and spell faster when they write with their hand. The benefit with extend beyond the childhood years by preventing writing difficulties in the future.

Pocket chart: this activity teaches sight words and vocabulary. I use a commercially made pocket chart and make all the cards in the same format so you can mix them accordingly to your class. The pocket charts are not used enough in the English class, in most Latin countries they are not even available. If you make one I´d love to see it.