3P's lessons plans

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

Christmas Flashcards

I know that ESL Teachers love flashcards. There are 57 Christmas  flashcards. Here´s the link:  

Flashcards activity 1. Place selected flashcards on the board and hand in the scrabble letters to the students and have them make crosswords with the letters on their tables.

Flashcards activity 2. Have the students write each word under the  flashcard using the scrabble letters.

Flashcards activity 3. Place the flashcards around the room. Have the students find them as you ask questions.
                                 Teacher: Where is the gift?
                             Students: Here ! It is on the chair.

Flashcard activity 4. Make a grid on the board with random flashcards. Ask questions.
Teacher: Find B3. Who is B3?
Students: He is Rudolf.

Then ask students to make sentences that relate to make a short  Christmas Story. Write an example and have it ready to read to the class.

Teacher: Joseph and Mary are in the stable. The Angel is at the stable, too. She is drinking cocoa. The reindeer likes cocoa. The Shepherd came to see Baby Jesus, but Rudolf was at the stable. The Elf Girl came with the Gingerbread and The Gingerbread House. Poinsettias were in the sack with many presents.

Well, I invented this story. You can use it, but I am not that good at writing, LOL!!

Flashcard activity 4. Have the students order the flashcards alphabetically on the board.

Flashcard activity 5. Place the stable flashcard in the middle of the board. Ask students who and what  belongs to the stable. Make a mind map. Place the corresponding flashards as the students mention them.
Teacher: Look at the stable ! Who belongs to the stable ?
Students: Joseph! Mary! Baby Jesus! Shepherd !sheep! Angel! star!

Flashcard activity 6. Place pairs of flashcards and ask questions with WHERE?
Teacher: Where is the gingerbread man?
Students: He is in the gingerbread house!
Teacher: Where is Mary?
Students: She is in the stable!

Flashcard activity 6. Labeling! Label the parts of the body using a white board marker and a plastic sheet.

Flashcards are great for speaking, listening and a writing activity can be included. But I made a Picture Dictionary for Reading and Vocabulary Practice. It has 5 pages and it can be done in groups and then bind it.
    Have the students cut all the picture cards. I had the book binded before.
                               This is how my example turned out.

Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosamelia_eslteacher