3P's lessons plans

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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta puzzle. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 16 de julio de 2024

Furniture in the House printable games for Elementary ESL

 Use the 3P model of teaching and learning with this resource that  is part of the House Furniture for Elementary ESL, at my store:


3P model of teaching and learning

Printable games make learning enjoyable. All the games include attractive images that capture students' attention. Tailor the games to different skill levels and learning styles to ensure that all students can participate. Printable games are a cost-effective resource that can be easily distributed and reused.

Printable games provide repeated exposure to the furniture vocabulary in a new context such as a puzzle, helping to reinforce memory. This kind of games can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Matching games help teachers assess students' understanding and progress.

Development of writing Skill.  This dice game involves writing sentences in affirmative or negative to what is present in the house, which help improve literacy skills. There is a number dice that refers to quantity of items in the house. The others are furniture to consider that you have or not in that quantity in your house.

Students can work on printable games independently or in small groups, allowing teachers to provide individualized support as needed. This is a simple spelling activity to use with the dice, the small cards or any other.

Board games are inherently interactive, encouraging active participation from all students. This helps maintain high levels of engagement. It comes with cards in each color of the board path and the point coin as well. Players will land on a color and say a sentence and get the coin of that color if they say it right: The table isn’t in the bathroom!

Games provide a context for using new vocabulary, helping students understand how words are used.

Dominos require players to work together, take turns, and communicate effectively, promoting teamwork and social interaction.

Find more of furniture in the house in my other blog.


jueves, 27 de junio de 2024

Colors Unit Paintbrushes for Elementary ESL

 This resource is part of the Colors Unit for Elementary English- Starters. Find it by clicking here:           


Paintbrushes come in different colors. Frequently review colors through different activities to reinforce retention. As teachers you can enhance the educational experience, making learning colors more effective using this resource.

Listen, Point and say to identify colors. This will have the students use critical thinking for communication as students find the color in the template. The mat has paintbrushes and color names.

Teacher: Point to black!

Students: black!

Information questions with What. Hold up a paintbrush small card and have students say the color aloud. Repeat with each color until students become confident.

Teacher: What color is it?
Students: It’s green.

Asking and answering questions about color.

Teacher: Is it blue?

Students: Yes, it is.

A worksheet to color the items using the correct colors. Say the color name aloud and have the student point to each one.

Color Matching Puzzles. Print on cardstock or heavy paper.

Find someone who has the other part of the puzzle.

Students can put the puzzle together individually or in small groups.  You can also create a memory game in which students must find the matching pairs.

The size of the pieces fit into a folder and there you have a file folder game ready for your wrap part of the lesson plan. Plan interactive and hands-on activities to keep students engaged. Using a file folder keeps all game pieces and materials organized in one place, preventing loss or damage. It also ensures that the classroom remains uncluttered, making it easier for students to focus. File folders are easy to carry, allowing the game to be used in different settings

Do you want to check more of this resource? Go to another blog post.

Visit my other with more resources, activities and ideas to teach younger children.


domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

Can as an Ability Games

  This resource is part of Can as an Ability for Elementary ESL at this link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Can-as-an-Ability-Unit-for-Elementary-ESL-4299251

Students are more likely to participate actively when they are enjoying the activity. Games turn learning into a dynamic and interactive experience, making it more enjoyable and engaging for students, boosting their confidence in using English.

Domino game. Matching pictures to words requires critical thinking and problem-solving, which aids cognitive development. Each card has two halves—one half with a picture of an action (e.g., swimming) and the other half with a corresponding verb (e.g., " ride"). Print and cut out the domino cards. Shuffle them and distribute an equal number of cards to each student. The first student looks for a card in their hand that matches either the picture or the verb on the starting piece. If a student cannot make a match, they pass their turn. The game continues until all dominoes have been placed or no more matches can be made. The student with the fewest remaining cards wins.

This board Game involves repeated use of "can" for expressing ability. Students roll the dice and move their marker pieces around the board as they answer the questions written on the circle cards of the color they land on. Prepare the markers by folding the items. Players have the opportunity to practice speaking and listening in a natural context.

talk about abilities board game

Take a look!

The puzzle game will have students work in pairs or groups, promoting collaboration and teamwork. Pictures provide context, aiding in comprehension and retention. It can be played in pairs or small groups, promoting teamwork. Players can practise talking about the abilities as they put the puzzles together.

talking about the abilities

The dice and writing game will help reinforce this skill in the context of using "can." Students will throw two dice that you will previously have ready. There are 5 dice to choose from. The players will write sentence using and/but to write about their abilities. Example: I can sing, but I can’t play football. This kind of game helps students practice sentence structure, conjunctions and creative thinking.

Matching Mat Games can be easily adapted to suit different learning styles and proficiency levels, ensuring that all students can participate and benefit. This is a verb and picture matching mat. Students can also say a correct sentence when matching the cards. This can be played as a memory matching game if you cut the cards from the mat.

I love to include letters to make crosswords or spelling activities.

Follow my TPT store for updates on new resources.


miércoles, 5 de junio de 2024

Clothes unit Games for Elementary ESL

 This resource is part of Clothes Theme for Elementary ESL Teacher. Click here:

Elementary ESL Teacher

 Integrate games into the learning process for your elementary English language learners (ELLs), especially when teaching vocabulary related to clothing.

Clothes Unit Board Games are fun and engaging. Use them to increase students' motivation to learn. Children are more likely to participate actively with their peers. This board game requires that the players think critically and answer the questions on the card according to the color they land on.

Repetition is crucial for vocabulary acquisition. Playing clothes domino will provide an opportunity to repeat and practice the clothes words in a natural and enjoyable context. Students will practice speaking and listening as they place their domino tile in the corresponding place.

The combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements in games can enhance memory retention. Interactive activities such as the clothes puzzle printable will help students remember vocabulary better than traditional rote learning. Players have to solve the puzzle as they navigate the game.

Many games require teamwork, collaboration, and communication, which helps ELLs develop their social skills and practice language use in social interactions. This is an old game. People name it the snapdragon or cootie catcher. Print the template if it useful or have the students do it from scratch.  I will add a video for how to assemble the snapdragon.

Spelling Games create a low-stress environment.  Print this Hands-On Interaction letter tiles. This game can be particularly beneficial for young learners.

Games can be adapted to cater to different learning styles and proficiency levels, such as this matching word to the clothes pictures. This allows teachers to provide differentiated instruction for the students present in class. Associating words with images helps students remember vocabulary more effectively.

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domingo, 19 de mayo de 2024

Body Unit Games for Elementary ESL

 This resource is included in the Body Unit for Elementary ESL. It can also be used for Homeschool English. Link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Body-Theme-for-Elementary-ELL-1836555

Homeschool English

Playing with these printable games will encourage interaction among your students. It promotes communication in the target language, where stduents sit to practice speaking and listening in a fun environment.

Print the board game layout with spaces that players move around. There are cards with questions corresponding to the color the player xan land on. Assemble the tokens beforehand. The players take turns rolling the dice and moving around third colored token on the game board according to the number rolled. The student will answer the question on the card of the color landed in order to have another turn to play.

board game body parts

Body parts Domino has the objective to help the players learn and associate the word with the corresponding body parts through the matching game. Each domino tile will have two halves. One half will show a picture of a body part, and the other half will show the word of a different body part.

Shuffle the domino tiles and distribute them evenly among players. Player 1 will place one domino tile face up on the table to start the game. A domino tile can be placed to match the pciuture or the word.  The first player to use all their domino tiles wins the game.

Body parts Domino

Printable letter tiles. This game combines visual aids with spelling practice. Students can use to spell out the names of the body parts.  Ensure that you make multiple copies for groups of students. Print the tiles on cardstock. Cut the tiles and place them in ziplock bags.

Printable letter tiles.

For interactive learning print this body items picture mat and the words to allow the students to work collaboratively or independently.

picture mat body parts

Students can also use the body part puzzle to aid visual learners. A Way to learn body part vocabulary in an engaging and hands-on way.

body part puzzle

There is a complete set of worksheets to go with this unit. Here is the blog post: