3P's lessons plans

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta calendar. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta calendar. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

When is your birthday? How old are you-part 3

Here is the link to the product from the last three blog posts related to the Birthday unit/How old are you ?.
Review the months of the year using the cards. Review with your students: How many days in each month ?

months of the year using the cards
I see that some book’s scope and sequence have the structure using only the birthday month. Have a student come to the front and pick the card of the month of their birthday.
Teacher: When’s your birthday?
Student: June.
Teacher: It’s in June. (Stress the word IN and write it on the board. Grab the month card of June and place it next to the word in)

Graph the birthday months of your class. Place the months of the year around your classroom. Have the students look for the Month of their Birthday and stand there.
Teacher: This is January. How many students have their birthday in January?
Students: one!
Continue with all the months.

Depending on the level of your students and the scope and sequence of your book, continue introducing the birthday date. But first, review all the ordinal numbers using the cards.
I prepared a worksheet for the students to notice the difference in writing the ordinal numbers.
Have the students match the ordinal number cards and the words cards as a review.

Then, let’s move on to the birthday date. Place the month and date of your birthday on the board and model for the class. Write the word ON.
Teacher: My birthday is on August 29th.
Have the students find their birthday month cards and say their sentence to the class.
Have the students write their birthdate on a piece of paper.
As you place the month cards around the classroom. At your signal have the students stand up and look for their birth month and stand there.  Hand them their birthday ordinal number.
Calendar. I am adding a perpetual calendar template . I  can customize the headings to adjust to the country you are at, send me an email: ei98srl@gmail.com)
Students can help create the calendar, just glue the proper heading and have the students research the days and complete the template.
Ask questions:
Teacher: When is Sara’s birthday?
Students: It on October 20th.
 Students write their name in the birthday date box.
More flashcards. I thought that extra practice is required for this structure. I made some children flashcards with birthdates.
Teacher: When is his birthday?
Students: It’s on June 28th.

Here is the complete set.

Worksheet 1 Questionnaire. Students walk around the classroom asking the questions and writing the answers.
Then, they cut and glue the worksheet on their notebooks and write sentences about the results of the questionnaire.
Worksheet 2. Dictate how to color each month as a listening exercise.
Teacher: Color June pink!
Have the students trace the date you say.
Teacher: April 11th!
Students complete their worksheet. Then, have the students cut each box and write a sentence.
Worksheet 3. Make a calendar. Each worksheet has an empty space for the month. Students cut the month of their birthday and glue onto the empty space. They also write the days of the month and their name on their birthdate. Finally, complete the sentences. You can do a show and tell to the class.
Worksheet 4. The same as the other worksheet, dictate the color of each month or even better, have an individual student dictate the color of each month. Then, students write sentences using his or her birthday.
Worksheet 5. There are Birthdays in the family!Students cut out and glue all the family members and write their corresponding birthdays on their notebooks.
I made an extra set of Family Birthday flashcards to review.
Worksheet 6. Ordinal Numbers Bingo. Students write any of the 31 ordinal numbers on the 9 squares. Use the Ordinal numbers cards to call BINGO!
Worksheet 7. More Family review. Students draw or cut out pictures of their family members and complete the worksheet.

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2019

Simple past tense with town and prepositions for ESL

Link to the resource:
I have it at this other store: https://www.bilingualmarketplace.com/products/simple-past-tense-of-the-verb-to-be-with-town-and-prepostions?variant=32013476561034
                                     Watch the video of the product:

Review the use of prepositions first and then show how to use them in the simple past. I created a set of long cards to place on the board or to ue in groups.

ON-used for days of the week. Write the word on and place the days of the week long cards on the board as in a mind map.
Teacher: On Monday!
Students: On Tuesday ! (continue with more)

IN-used for parts of the day.

                IN - used for months of the year.

AT-used for time of the day.

AT-used for specific place
              Teacher: at school!
              Students: at the pharmacy ! (continue with more)

AT-used for general locations or buildings in a town.

Teacher: at the post office!
Students: at the bank ! (continue with more)

On-used for specific dates and days.

IN - used for seasons.

Now, have the students practice the use of the prepostions.
I made two size of pockets to sort the cards. This one is smaller and can be used on the notebook. This activity can be done individually or in small groups.
And I made another set of pocket a little bigger to be used as a group activity. Just make a pocket by gluing each pocket template onto cardboard and print a set of cards and have the students do the sorting .
Or use plastic plates, you can write a preposition with a dry erase maker and students can do the sorting.

Another idea is to create a flap book, either horizontal o vertical.
Follow me! I will post the next part which is using the simple past tense of the verb to be and the prepositions + town.

martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

School Subjects and The Time

Link to the School Subjects product that keeps growing: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/School-Subjects-for-ESL-4548123
It is available here:   https://www.bilingualmarketplace.com/products/school-subjects-for-esl?variant=32016863395978
                  Watch the video with the complete resource:

Students should be able to relate to the key or target language from this School Subjects and Nouns unit.

School Subjects and Nouns unit.
This is the link for the TIME cards and more.

Start by creating a timetable on the board with the words that they already know from previous lessons such as the subjects, the days of the week and the time. Use the flashcards.
Ask questions:
Teacher: When do you have Math?
Students: On Monday and Wednesday.
Teacher: What time do you have Math?
Students: at 9 o’clock.
Teacher: You have Math on Monday and Wednesday at 9 o’clock.
Have the students make sentences as you assign a subject.
Marcos: When do you have Music?
Students: I have Music on Tuesday at a quarter past one.

Where are you? Have the students where they are and other people at a specific time using the analog clock.
Teacher: Where are you at 10:25?
Students: I am in Math class.
Teacher: Where is Lily at 11:40?
Students: she is in Writing class.
Teacher: Where are James and Frank at 1:30?
Students: They are in P.E.

School starts and ends. Introduce the words start and finish using the flashcards.
Teacher: What time does school start?
Students: It starts at 8 o’clock.
Teacher: What time does school finish?
Students: It finishes at half past three.

Use the flashcards on the board to make more examples for sentences. Have the students make more sentences on their notebooks.

And for more practice make a game board.

 I found this cute clip art for game boards. It reminded me of Monopoly. I made a basic board ,each color on the board has its own cards to complete the task in order to move to other end.

If the student lands on the green space, he/she reads the question on the green space and answer looking at the first green card on the pile.
And so on.

Follow me! There is more on the School Theme.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

School Subjects for Elementary ESL

Here’s the link to the resource for Teaching English in the Primary School:   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/School-Subjects-People-and-Places-for-ESL-4548123
It is also available here:   https://www.bilingualmarketplace.com/products/school-subjects-for-esl?variant=32016863395978
                     Watch the video with the complete resource:

School subject flashcards.
Start by introducing the School Subjects.Students should be able to name all the vocabulary learned in the unit.
School Subjects Flashcards

I made a larger set using pictures for older kids.

Do your favorite subject brainstorm words on the board as an example. Tell your students that your favorite subject is ART. Than start writing words that relate to that subject. Have students help you, add some drawings as well.

I also made a worksheet for students to do their art work.

Review the days of the week. Hand in the card in random to seven students that will come to the front. They have to arrange themselves in order.
Ask questions. Teacher: What day is it ?
                           Student: It’s Monday!
                           Teacher: Tuesday, come to the front. Show your card.
Teacher: Ursula, What is your favorite day of the week ?
Ursula: It’s Wednesday. (the students with the card shows it to the class).

Then have the students place the cards on the board in order as a heading. Hold each subject flashcard and ask questions.
Teacher: When do you have Geography?
Students: We have Geography on Thursday. (place the flashcards under Thursday) Continue with all the flashcards.
Teacher: When is the Math class?
Students: It’s on Monday.

Have students create their own timetable on their notebooks. They show and tell to the class.
 Students: The Spanish class is on Tuesday.

Have students express their likes and dislikes for the school subjects. Place all the subjects on the board and as they express their preference write their name.
Students: I like Geography. I don’t like Math.
Contrast easy and difficult.
Teacher: Do you like Science? Raise your hand if the answer is yes !
Students: YES!
Teacher: Science is easy for you.
Teacher: Do you like Science? Raise your hand if the answer is NO !
Students: NO!
Teacher: Science is difficult for you.

Game:  What is the subject ?
Write the list of the subjects that you are working on a piece of paper. Place the subjects can in a can. I suggest that you make puppets which are easier to pull out. Tell the students that they are going to pick a card or puppet from the can. Have the students line up as they hear the subject word.
Teacher: Biology! Math!
Check that they are lined up correctly as you collect all the subject cards or puppets.
English primary School

And there will be more blog posts related to the school unit.
 Follow me!