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miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2024

Board games for Elementary English Language Learners

 Find a themed game board in each unit for teaching elementary English language learners. This kind of games are very engaging and interactive for your students. You can adapt all the games to suit your players to encourage participation, right here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Board-games-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-11333780

Is this something that you would include in your lesson plan? Maybe not? Would like to? Well, read and see if you are up for it.

Professional english Educator

Use the board games as a review of the new vocabulary of the unit. It is a fun repetition of the words. The markers are also included with each board game. So, just grab the dice. Each space has a color. Players have to move along the path. When they land on a space, they have to say the name of that color and show an item in that color.

Create a motivated and positive classroom atmosphere, where students know that there will be an enjoyable learning game to wrap up the class. Players will describe the colors of the space they landed on besides the number: It’s an orange twelve.

Games help with memory skills that are crucial for English language retention. That’s another reason for printing and having the games ready to play. The objective of the game is to navigate through the various spaces on the game board, learning and practicing vocabulary related to different facial features.

Board games are a very informal way of assessing your student’s language proficiency in communicating. Are they using the language enough? Are they struggling to move along the board?

Players will navigate through the various spaces on the game board, answering questions related to family members with the cards in the game, light or dark green.

Another House unit activiti with a board game.Players will move their family members game pieces by correctly identifying the rooms of the house. The first player to reach the finish line wins.

House unit activity board game

Add a twist to the pet unit board game, but it works with any other theme. Players have to describe the pet they landed on in order to take that pet into their pet shop.

Students can do more than just identifying the word but saying a phrase or complete sentence in order to get the food card. The more food cards a player has, he/she is the winner.

Players move their game pieces around the Toyland game board, by completing challenges such as miming how to play with the toys they land on.

All the board games are included in each unit and in the Bundle, right here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Elementary-English-Language-learners-teaching-Units-Starters-BUNDLE-11215540

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2024

Toys Unit Worksheets for the Elementary English Language Learners-Starters

 This resource is included in Toys Unit for Elementary English Language learners-Starters found at this  LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Toys-unit-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-Starters-1865563

A resource for any English Teacher in the Primary Classroom.

English Teacher in the Primary Classroom

Worksheets can be used for differentiationand provide extra practice. Tailor to meet the needs of each student in class with this variety of worksheets. The worksheets can challenge and support all your learners during your practice part of the lesson plan. 

There is a set of toys unit vocabulary words that will allow your students to practice and reinforce the new content. Here is one with words for the students to draw around them to give meaning. Drawing help to deepen the understanding of the new words. It requires critical thinking as to how to represent it visually.

toys unit vocabulary words

More repetition as students write all the words into the letter shapes that the words start with. This process enhances comprehension and reinforcement of vocabulary retention. Send it for homework.

write all the words into the letter shapes toys unit worksheet

Read and match worksheet. Basically, a reading comprehension worksheet to exercise critical thinking to analyze the incomplete words and make a connection.

Have the students write the names of toys to help them remember the vocabulary they’ve learned.

Use this set of worksheets to establish a connection between the spoken and written Language.

Use the word search worksheet for the practice of recognizing toy names in a sea of letters, which reinforces visual recognition of vocabulary words. Learners will scan for the toys words as a way to enhance the students’ focus and attention to detail.

Worksheets for the students to complete sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct toy name. Find worksheets to practice forming and answering questions about toys.

Read-and-color worksheets often use simple sentences, which help ELLs practice reading comprehension. They need to understand what they read in order to color the correct items.  These will promote higher thinking skills in your learners. 

Expand the worksheet to other themes. Have the students cut the teddy bear and glue onto their notebooks or paper and label the parts of the face.

Reviewing a robot family allows students to simultaneously reinforce toy-related vocabulary and introduce or review family-related terms (mother, brother, etc).

Check this blog post with more on the robot family: https://eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com/2020/10/family-theme-for-kindergarten-holistic_19.html

By relating toys to a house setting, students can see how vocabulary and language structures are used in everyday contexts, as they draw the toys in the rooms of the house.

The face and toys worksheets include activities like matching, answering, and coloring to cater to kinesthetic learners who benefit from hands-on activities.

Review the numbers 1 to 10 and the teen numbers with the robots.

Review the numbers 1 to 10 and the teen numbers with the robots.

More worksheets to Revisit the numbers 1 to 20 across multiple worksheets to reinforce through repetition.

Associating the colors written word with an image can serve as a memory aid.

Puzzle people worksheets are fun!

There are several worksheets for answering questions using grammar knowledge.

Choose from more grammar worksheets!

The favorite toy worksheet can lead to a speaking activity. When all the worksheets are done, have the children walk around and find another student or group of students with the same favorite toy. Then, graph the results.
Teacher: How many trains are the favorite ?
Students: five!
favorite toy worksheet

The favorite toy worksheet can lead to a speaking activity. They will draw their favorite toy and write a short text. When all the worksheets are done, have the children walk around and find another student or group of students with the same favorite toy. Stand together. Then, graph the results.

Teacher: How many trains are the favorite?
Students: two!

Questionnaires are a very effective instructional tools to have your students communicate. Encourage them to survey classmates even the shy ones.

Find more activities and resources for the toys unit at my other blog.


lunes, 12 de febrero de 2024

Food unit Worksheets for Elementary English Language Starters

 This resource is part of the Food Unit for Elementary English Language Starters.

LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Food-unit-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-Starters-11035412
maestro de ingles escuela primaria

Use the food unit worksheets as a very cost-effective resource. If you don’t access to a lot of other active materials, just print and copy for your class. If you want to cut cost even more, place them in a clear plastic sheet and students write on them with a dry erase marker and then erase with a napkin. So, check all the worksheets included in the resource to use with the diversity of students in your class.

There is a set of vocabulary building worksheets to keep students actively engaged.The worksheets are a way into guiding your learners to learn.

vocabulary building food unit worksheet

This set will offer a hand-on way to reinforcing the new vocabulary even more for the very young learners. If the students cut them, they are cards to keep handy for writing or make them a matching game to play with classmates or at home.

These are the visual learning worksheets that involve drawing. They provide the opportunity for the students to draw the vocabulary words making a connection between them. Have the students draw the drinks as in the example, cut and paste on paper and then write sentences.

worksheets that involve drawing

Students will draw on the worksheet as they express their creativity by illustrating the food and drinks words. This will be an enjoyable activity leading to the retention of the vocabulary.

Let’s use these worksheets as recapitulation to review the previously unit taught units such as the face. Reinforce the vocabulary and enhance the retention of those concepts.

Have the students review the family members as a way to consolidate the learning of that previous theme. They will apply their knowledge of those words in a new context such as the foods unit making connections between both units to express likes or dilikes.

express likes or dilikes worksheet

These worksheets will provide your students with exposure to a variety of sentences structures to contribute to language acquisition.

Love to use worksheets to review previous units. Combine listening to creativity by doing this worksheet. Numbers 1 to 20 in a sandwich. By listening to your instructions, students learn to follow spoken directions. Students will expand their vocabulary in another context by associating a color to a number. Reviewing numbers 1 to 20 is crucial to your learners. Understanding numbers is important for classroom instructions, such as looking up a page in their books, for writing the date and more.

 This can also be a speaking activity.                                                                                            Ask the color of each number: What color is number 20?
Students: pink!

Take a look!

These worksheets are here to improve reading comprehension. Students will understand the sentences in the context and respond appropriately, with the result of effective communication. As for Grammar there is yes/no question + be worksheet.

yes/no question + be worksheet. food unit worksheets

I love to include questionnaire worksheets in all the resources of this Serie. This is where students put in use their linguistic competence with a simple directed dialogue. They encourage the students to read a question to a classmate and have to write the answer. It is a practice for paeaking, listening and writing. You can also graph results on the board.

questionnaire worksheets food unit

Graphing the favorite food. Do this one as a simple survey by placing the options on the board, using the flashcards: pizza, hamburger, chicken, fries, hot dog, salad. Create a bar graph on the board as they will come with their worksheet and place it under their option bar. Tally the results.

Food surveys are always fun! Many options you can think of and the students will come up with even more surveying ideas.

Check my Instagram Account for more freebies and resources: https://www.instagram.com/rosamelia_eslteacher/