3P's lessons plans

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta occupations. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta occupations. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2019

Turkey in disguise for ESL students in Thanksgiving

LINK to the resource: 
As I was looking for creating a new Thanksgiving  product I came across the cute Turkey in disguise clip art from Scrappin Doodles. I started looking for the Turkey in disguise book, but I just found this poem with no author.
My name is Tom Turkey
And I’m afraid as I can be.
I’m wearing my disguise
So you won’t catch me.

And there’s an audio book video on  YOUTUBE:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjXTNlW2qaU (Turkey Trouble).
If you are reading the book and have more advanced students, there is a free product at the Teacherspayteachers.com store.

I thought that it would be good to review the community helpers, jobs and occupations and made several flashcards. Review the vocabulary words using the flashcards.
As many of you have commented that you liked the labeling the flashcards activity. Here is another one.

Play BINGO! With the flashcards. Hand in the 3x3 bingo grid to each student and have them write any of the 20 community helpers, jobs and occupations words. Start call the words with the flashcards and the students cross out the words they hear as you show the flashcard. The winner is the first one to cross out all the words.

Place all the flashcards on the board. Have the students notice that all the turkeys are wearing something or have an object with them.  In an allotted amount of time such as 5 or 10 minutes have them list all the objects. The winner is the one that list the most objects. Have that student dictate them and write them on the board as the class crosses them out. Then, have the class dictate words that haven’t been said.

I created two game board to be used in game stations. Print them and make different groups to play the games.

I place an opened clip behind each character to be used as markers.

 Demonstrate some useful phrases for playing the game: It’s my turn (by pointing to yourself) It’s your turn (by pointing to another person)
I made several flashcards to warm up the phrases that are most common during the game. There’s the flashcard for roll the die, start, finish, move, don’t fight. Introduce those words and leave the flashcards on the board as a reminder.

Then, I created a turkey to be disguised
I like to encourage creativity in the classroom to engage my students and to make learning fun and to express the  language that they know. The turkey can be anything, there are hats, shoes, and more to create a very fun disguised turkey. Plase send me pictures of the turkey!
And for some older kids they can write a text. My sister in law did this one. 

 I thought about your students and managed to come up with  the color by numbers pages!
Or something easier, just coloring.

Follow me! Leave your comments here or at the Facebook fan page.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Community Helpers, Jobs and Occupations

I´ve gathered a lot of old clip art to make this big collection. There are 315 flashcards from old jobs and occupations to the present. I searched all the vocabulary from the book series and came up with this list. I guess that you can use them with all the levels even adults.  I will receive requests to change names on any or to include some more. Notice that some jobs have different ways to write it. For example, Steelworker and Steel worker. If you google the word, both versions will show.
Link to the 315 flashcards of jobs from the present and the past.

                         Flashcards Games and Activities

1.       Ask Questions. Hold up a flashcards and ask a question.
Teacher: What is he ?
Students: He´s a puppeteer.
Teacher: Where does he work ?
Students: He works at a Theater.
Students can also answer the questions on their notebooks.
2. Write a sentence.
Hand in a flashcards to a student. Ask him/her to write as many sentences as possible. Student: He is a Professor. He works in a University. He is a Math Professor. He is funny. He is playing with a yo-yo.
3. Story Group. Set a group of students together and hand each one a flashcard. Have them write a story all together that relates the people in the flashcards.
Story: The Scientist has a wife, she is a Manicurist. They love going to the Theater. The Mail carrier gave them the theater invitation to a play. They saw a Knight there.

4-    Alphabetical order. Challenge the students to write the jobs in alphabetical order on their notebooks. Make it a race. The first to do it correctly wins.

5. Descriptions. Students write only words to describe all the flashcard.
6. Play a Class Bingo game. Place all the flashcards that you are working with on the board.  If you are using 24 flashcards, then have the students select 8 or 12  to write on their notebooks. Write your 24 flashcards selection on separate piece of paper and put them in a bag. Call on each word to play BINGO!!
Play a Class Bingo game
7. Make Venn Diagram.  Instruct how to make a Venn Diagram. Pair the students. Hand in 2 flashcards. Students make sentences with similarities and differences.
8. Word Association. Show a flashcard and have the students write as many words in an allotted time related to the job. Award appoints.
Pirate: boat, sword, mean, parrot, sea, money, treasure, island.
9. What am I ?  Have a volunteer student come to the front and sit. Hand him/her a flashcard without showing it to the class. Students ask Yes/No questions. The first student to find out the job on the flashcard will take the chair.
Questions: Do you work in a school ? NO. 
                    Do you wear a helmet ? No.
Do you wear a uniform ? Yes, a white jacket.
Do you use any materials ? yes, chemical items.

10. Analogy. Display the flashcards and have the students find the analogies in writing. Most of these jobs end with ER.
11. Show the numbers on the board and elicit the job on each one as you say the number.
Teacher: What´s number 10 ?
Students: He´s an ice cream man.
Teacher: What does he do ?
Students: He sells ice cream

12. Distribute one card to each child in class. Students have to stand up as they hear their card called.

13. Position the cards around the classroom. Name a job and have students point to the flashcard.

14.True or False. Show a card.  Say a sentence related to the card. Students show the Yes Puppet or the No Puppet. I put the file in the store... check it... it might be free.
Teacher: He is a car dealer. He works in a supermarket.
15. Mime. Select a card and show it to a volunteer student. That student mimes the job and the class has to guess what the job is.
 16. Dictionary. Hand in a flashcard to each student. Have them find that word in the dictionary and copy a sentence. Than at your signal, have the students hand in their card to another student and  continue looking up the job on the dictionary.

17.        Listen and do. Call volunteer students to come to the board. Give instructions.Use the commands Flashcards if necessary. LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Classroom-Commands-Flashcards-1816475
Ann. Touch the Pharmacist.
Samuel. Swap the diver with the tire repairer.
José. Bring me the witch.
Gabriel. Get the Veteran and give it to Mary.
Kay. Point to the table tennis player.
Lily. Circle the shopkeeper.
Peter. Show me the dentist.
Ian. Check the Engineer.
Ory. Find the Paleontologist. Show the Classroom Command to hint the student what to do.
      18. Who ?  Place the flashcards on the board and describe one, only saying a word. The children point to it and guess which one is it.
     Teacher: green dress.

Students: The Heroine!
19. Write several jobs  on the board. Have the students place the flashcards under each one.

 20.Cover a flashcard with a handkerchief, if it is white the better and ask Who is this ? Then proceed to remove the handkerchief and see if the class guessed correctly.

21. The Alphabet: Place plastic letters in a bag. Have a student draw a letter from the bag and all the students have to find all the flashcards associated with that letter. In this case , letter M.

22.Hold it up: hand in all the flashcards among all the students. Place the students in a straight line, if possible.  Say the job word in random order and each student must hold up their flashcard

Teacher:  Cleaner. Orchestra conductor, figure skater, mechanic, coast guard, policeman, producer, chemist, pilot, fortune teller, cleaner.

23. Questions. Place the flashcards on the board and ask questions.  The student  that answers correctly wins the card.  Award the students with the most flashcards at the end.
Teacher: Who has an Harp ?
Student: The Harpist.
Teacher: Who sells fish ?
Student: The Fishmonger.
24. A Hint. Have a flashcard in your hand and don´t show it to the class. Give some hints. 
Teacher:  I love colors. I work in houses. I use  big brushes

25. Slap. Place the flashcards on the board. Have two students slap the flashcard with a flyswatter as you name them.

Teacher: Cellist !

                                                      Here are all the other flashcards.

This resource is part of the Community Helpers BUNDLE. LINK:https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Community-Helpers-Unit-for-ESL-BUNDLE-6415647
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