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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta possessive adjectives. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta possessive adjectives. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024

Clothes unit Flashcards for Elementary ESL

 This resource is part of Clothes Theme for Elementary ESL or Formadora de Lengua Inglesa. Click here:


Formadora de Lengua Inglesa

Students will identify and sort the clothes flashcards by color. Review the colors on the board by drawing a color splotch and having the stduents say the name.

Have the students say what they have sorted: a brown hat!

Point to different clothing item and ask: What color is the blouse?
Students: red! It’s red.
Teacher: What color are the shoes?
Students: They are pink and yellow.

sort the clothes flashcards by color.

More vocabulary practice is to make a chart. Place several people flashcards on the board and make a chart with several clothing items. Have the stduents come and check which clothes the person is wearing and write to the ones the person isn’t wearing.


Let’s review prepositions.
Teacher: Where is the boy?
Stuents: He’s in the boot.

To talk about possession.
Teacher: Who has a pink hat?
Students: Number 8.
Teacher: Number 1 has a green hat.
Students: Number 2 has a brown hat.

Talk about possession in plural and identify the owner of the hats.

Teacher: Who has a purple hat?
Stuents: Number 6 and 12.
Teacher: Number 10 and 11 have green hats.
Stuents: Number 8 and 9 have pink hats!

Possessive adjectives His and her. Describing possession. Place two similar flashcards on the board to contrast what the people are wearing.

Teacher: This is his T-shirt!
Students: This is her T-shirt!

More on asking questions about possession: Are these your boots?

Students: Yes, they are.

Use the flashcards to help the students express likes or dislikes. Ask students about their opinion: Do you like jackets?

express likes or dislikes for clothing using flashcards

Start talking about possessives. Ask questions using the possessive pronouns: Whose shoe is this?

Students: The shoe is hers.

talking about possessives clothes unit

To describe what one is wearing using the present continuous tense. Place several flashcards on the board and ask what they are wearing using descriptive adjectives such as colors.

Students: She is wearing a black dress.

To describe what one is wearing flashcards

To describe what people are wearing as the same. Place similar clothing items on the flashcards and have them identify which one it is. Students will answer questions with what.

Teacher: What are they wearing?

Students: a green dress!

wearing using the present continuous tens flashcards

Play Who am I? I choose several pictures of people all wearing jeans. Teacher: I am wearing blue jeans, blue t-shirt and white sneakers.

Students: You are number 4.

identify and talk about clothes

Relate the clothes to a part of the body.

I wear gloves on my hands.

I wear boots on my feet.

I wear a hat on my head.

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sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2023

Family unit Flashcards for the Elementary English Language Learner

                            This resource is included in the Family Unit for Elementary English Language Learners-Starters. Any ESL Teacher Specialist will find this material helpful.  

Click here:     https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Activities-for-Elementary-ELL-1804475

ESL Teacher Specialist

Find easy-to-implement strategies for a rich learning environment with these family unit visuals.The focus is on teaching English EFL (as a Foreign Language) it can also be used for ESL/ELL/ELA.

Use the flashcards to introduce structures and the new vocabulary.Create speaking lessons to develop fluency based on any activity proposed here. Introduce the question word:WHO? to ask about people.

Introduce the family members vocabulary.
Teacher: This is father.
This is my mother.
Students can identify family members: Who’s this?
Students: He is the brother.

question word:WHO? family unit

Develop speaking skills with this activity. Have the students understand and use this/that to introduce a family member. Hand in family members flashcards to several students to adopt that person. Assign a student to introduce them to the class: 

This is my brother. His name is Tomas.
That is my sister. Her name is Rose.

Ask questions on possessive pronouns.

introduce a family member flashcards

Give information about the family members as communication goes first. Divide the board in two and create a small family and a big family on each side of the board.
Teacher: This is a small family. It’s mother, father, brother and sister.
Teacher: This family is big. Let’s count.
Students can count the members of their family and write it down on piece of paper.
Ask questions: How many people are there in your family?
Student: five.
Ask questions: How many brothers do you have?
Student: two.

You can also assign a last name to each family. For example: This is the Blonde Family. This is the Red Family.

Give information about the family members  flashcards

Assign the sister or any other family member flashcard in the middle of the board.  Give her a name, I chose Carol. Make kind of a mind map. Talk about possession: This is Carol’s mother. Continue introducing the family member.

Ask questions: Who’s this?
Students: This is Carol’s father.
Ask questions: Who’s that?
Students: That is Carol’s brother.
Teacher: Is this Carol’s grandpa?
Students: No, it’s Carol’s father.
Understand the names of the people of the family. Students can also give names to people in Carol’s family.
 What’s Carol’s mother name?
Students: Luisa!
(write down the name on the board)

Talk about possession

Talk about the physical appearance of the family members. Select several flashcards of family members with different hair color.
Teacher: Look at father. What color is his hair?
Students: blond! He has blond hair.
Teacher: Who has brown hair?
Students: Mother!
Teacher: Does the sister have black or red hair?
Student: red hair!

physical appearance of the family members

Show the words big and little to introduce the brothers and sisters using the focus vocabulary.

big and little family members

Call out a name of someone in your class. They must stand up and tell everyone a fact about their family. For example: My mother’s name is Anna.’

 Jumbled names Activity. Write the word for each family member with the letters jumbled on the board. For example: emtorh (Mother) Hand in the individual flashcards to the students. Make sure that you include all students as you have a flashcard for each one. At your signal the students have to come up to the board and place their family member under the jumbled word.

Jumbled names Activity

Introduce the adjectives such as young or old to describe the family members. Discuss with your students why they are sorting the people into these adjectives.
Teacher: Grandmother is old.
Students: The baby is young.

Using adjectives when speaking will help studentsdescribe people using words.

adjectives such as young or old to describe the family members

Also do the adjectives tall and short to describe family members.

tall and short to describe family members

Next part will be the Family Unit small cards.

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miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

Possessive pronouns, nouns, adjectives, form, questions for Elementary ESL

LINK to the resource on a unit to express possession:
                            Watch the video of the resource:

I always use flashcards to introduce the grammar point. I wish I had all these resources when I was teaching at a school 30 years ago. I had to draw mine or use magazine cutouts. Well, time flies and here we are.

Use the big flashcards to place the on the board as mine.They will give the use of the possessive adjectives in context.
Teacher: I run to my school.
Underline and point out I and My. Continue with the rest of cards.

possessive adjectives flashcards

I also made some cutouts to make sentences.
Teacher: My favorite color is pink.
Students: Our favorite color is brown.

Play is also a teaching tool to review this grammar point giving student access to communication and creation.
Game 1: Play sentence association.

Display all the cards on a table and have the students place a sentence next to the picture card just as your board example.

And do even more, give them a blank rectangle and students write a sentence using a possessive adjective.

Game 2: Match the subject pronoun to the adjective pronouns.

Game 3. Make possessive adjectives sentences. Cut all the words from each sentence and have the students build the sentence and match to the picture cards. I glued each word onto fun foam to make their studier.

Game 4. Sort the sentences into Possessive adjectives, form, questions.

Or sort them using envelopes. I placed a big clip on the back of each envelope for standing purpose. I also glued the super children characters on each envelope.

Game 5. Feed the zebra. I cut all the words from each sentence of the sentence association game. I grabbed an empty soda plastic bottle and glued the zebra printable. I managed to cut the mouth out. Students feed the zebra by reading each word.

                                 I made a short video.

                  On the notebook. It is always fun to cut and glue.

There is a bundle for the Adjectives for teaching ESL Elementary students. Check it out.

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