3P's lessons plans

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pets. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pets. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 4 de agosto de 2024

Pets Unit Numbers 1 to 20 for Elementary ELL

 This resource is included at this LINK:   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Pets-Unit-for-Elementary-ELL-Starters-10780015

Students need to be comfortable with numbers as they are a core part of basic vocabulary for this level. Learning them helps expand the students' English lexicon. In class you use numbers for instructions (e.g., "Turn to page 10," "Circle number 15"), so understanding numbers is crucial for following directions.

Have the worksheets with numbers 1 to 20 printed for each student. They will read and color the dogs accordingly.

There is another worksheet with the numbers to do the matching.

Another matching mat activity, great for individual or small group work. You can also cut all the cards and there you have a memory game.

I just had to do this Number wheel that I saw on Instagram, not easy to create it but I finally got it.  Print the 3 wheels, cut and pass a butterfly clip to hold them together. Students will match the dig, the numeral and the word. Fun and easy to play with.

Find more ideas and resources for the pet unit at my Pinterest Board:


viernes, 5 de abril de 2024

The dog and the Prepositions for Elementary ELL

 This resource is included in the Pets Unit for Elementary ELL- Starters and it is ALSO available as an individual resource here: 

LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/The-dog-and-the-Prepositions-for-Elementary-ELL-11385429

Teaching the Prepositions of location are essential in constructing longer sentences to express the relationship between objects and the pets, in this case I focused on the dogs. Proficiency in prepositions facilitates language development.

Start by printing your dog and the prepositions flashcards to provide clarity to describe spatial relationship with precision using the dog as the center of the activity.

Teacher: The dog is on the bed.

There is a set of cutouts in color and b/w to aid the comprehension of the prepositions. They work well for listening and speaking activities. Have your set ready and the students will create their own by coloring the cutouts and adding an opened clip behind each cutout to have them stand.

Learners will understand instructions and use the cutouts to physically show what was said.

Teacher: The dog is next to the doghouse.

Students can give directions for the class to perform.

Print the quilt mats, it comes with the pictures only and the words only, use it either way. This is my example. I used the picture quilt and cut all the words to do the match. Students will place the preposition word on each picture and say the sentence: The dog is between the dohouse and the ball.

Or use the quilts as cards to match and check the understanding of the new language.

Use the picture cards to play with the puzzle templates. This game will help your students understand the sentence structure, word order and the grammatical rule for the use of prepostions.

A few worksheets to practice writing and understanding sentences with prepositions. Students will show that they are able to comprehend the prepositions effectively.

This is a reading comprehension worksheet that can be easily assigned as independent tasks, promoting self-directed learning to reinforce their reading skills

The worksheets can be used as a review for the students to check the understanding of the prepositions and for you to identify if the learner needs more support.

I do have another blog for Kindergarten English Language Learners with more resources for the pet unit. Click here:  www.eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2024

Board games for Elementary English Language Learners

 Find a themed game board in each unit for teaching elementary English language learners. This kind of games are very engaging and interactive for your students. You can adapt all the games to suit your players to encourage participation, right here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Board-games-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-11333780

Is this something that you would include in your lesson plan? Maybe not? Would like to? Well, read and see if you are up for it.

Professional english Educator

Use the board games as a review of the new vocabulary of the unit. It is a fun repetition of the words. The markers are also included with each board game. So, just grab the dice. Each space has a color. Players have to move along the path. When they land on a space, they have to say the name of that color and show an item in that color.

Create a motivated and positive classroom atmosphere, where students know that there will be an enjoyable learning game to wrap up the class. Players will describe the colors of the space they landed on besides the number: It’s an orange twelve.

Games help with memory skills that are crucial for English language retention. That’s another reason for printing and having the games ready to play. The objective of the game is to navigate through the various spaces on the game board, learning and practicing vocabulary related to different facial features.

Board games are a very informal way of assessing your student’s language proficiency in communicating. Are they using the language enough? Are they struggling to move along the board?

Players will navigate through the various spaces on the game board, answering questions related to family members with the cards in the game, light or dark green.

Another House unit activiti with a board game.Players will move their family members game pieces by correctly identifying the rooms of the house. The first player to reach the finish line wins.

House unit activity board game

Add a twist to the pet unit board game, but it works with any other theme. Players have to describe the pet they landed on in order to take that pet into their pet shop.

Students can do more than just identifying the word but saying a phrase or complete sentence in order to get the food card. The more food cards a player has, he/she is the winner.

Players move their game pieces around the Toyland game board, by completing challenges such as miming how to play with the toys they land on.

All the board games are included in each unit and in the Bundle, right here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Elementary-English-Language-learners-teaching-Units-Starters-BUNDLE-11215540

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024

Graphing for Elementary English Language Learners

 Include graphing in your lesson plan as a valuable teaching tool for your students to integrate English and Math.

Check the video!

It will enhance the understanding of mathematical concepts such as counting.

It will promote language development. Students will express themselves orally to show their opinion. Ask questions about the graphs

It will foster critical thinking skills where the students will compare, contrast and draw conclusions about the results.

It will provide an engaging learning experience. It is an interactive activity. Students will manipulate the data and interpret the results.

Show the visual representation of the results on the board.

Adapt the graph to the different students that you have in class.

The resource is available here:    https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Graphing-Worksheets-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-11309998

Check these ideas:

The favorite toy worksheet can lead to a speaking activity. They will draw their favorite toy and write a short text. When all the worksheets are done, have the children walk around and find another student or group of students with the same favorite toy. Stand together. Then, graph the results.

Teacher: How many trains are the favorite?
Students: two!

Corsi di Inglese Per Bambini

Graphing the favorite food. Do this one as a simple survey by placing the options on the board, using the flashcards: pizza, hamburger, chicken, fries, hot dog, salad. Create a bar graph on the board as they will come with their worksheet and place it under their option bar. Tally the results.

Here is another example with the pet unit to make a bar graph on the board, to add variety have the students write sentences about the favorite pet winner, such as: The favorite pet is the dog. I like dogs.

There is a worksheet to do a pet ownership graph. Students will draw the pet they have at home.  Grap showing the number of students who have dogs, cats, etc. And students with no pets at home.

The favorite room of the house can be graphed, but add the variant of the color. Tell your students to color the room of their choice. You will count the favorite room and the color as well.

Use the number of rooms of the house worksheet to graph. Discuss with your students that homes have different quantities of rooms. Graph by writing the numbers 1 to 5 for bedrooms basically which will vary in the results
number of rooms of the house worksheet to graph

Make a list of the school objects for the favorite items. They have to choose from the list and draw on the worksheet. Do the graph as survey. Each student will stand up with the worksheet and say: My favorite worksheets is the pencil.

Create a tally chart to record the number of votes for each school subject.

Give a twist to the graph for the favorite color. Place colored balloons at several parts of the classroom. After the students finish their favorite color worksheets. Have them find the balloon of their favorite color and stand right there. Tally the results.

I hope you include any of these graph ideas into your lesson plan. All the worksheets are included in each unit resource. All of them are in the BUNDLE:https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Elementary-English-Language-learners-teaching-Units-Starters-BUNDLE-11215540

If you have any other graphing option, let me know! Just write a comment below.

There are a lot more ideas and resources to check at Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/ei98srl/esl-elementary-teachers-materials/

martes, 16 de enero de 2024

Pets Unit Books for Elementary ELL

This resource is part of the pets unit for Elementary English Languge learners-Starters to provide studenst with more exposure to the language.    LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Pets-Unit-for-Elementary-ELL-Starters-10780015

Interventionist for english teachers

There are two printable books to wrap up this unit. They will incorporate the language skills of reading and writing. As a teacher you are unique and your students as well. Adapt the activity according to your learners.

Book 1: Students can color as they wish or you can dictate the colors of each animal on the template and the place where they belong as a listening part of this activity. Then, they will cut the animals and glue them in the corresponding spot. There is a li8ned page for the students to write the next to finish the book.

two printable books pets unit

BOOK 2:  This is a group book, each student will color a page and then assemble and read together and take home to read with the parents.

group book pets unit

Follow this Blog for Elementary English Language Teachers and chat with me!

jueves, 11 de enero de 2024

Pets Unit Games for Elementary ELL

 This resource is included in the Pets Unit for Elementary ELL -Starters. Use these to give your K-2 English students a variety of activities to engage them.

LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Pets-Unit-for-Elementary-ELL-Starters-10780015

K-2 English students

The games will boost your students’ confidence in their English language skills. They will participate with knowledge of the language and take risks at playing with their peers. Games provide a place to motivate speaking expanding your students' linguistic competence.

The pet unit board game can be adapted for the different levels of English that you have in class. Make your own rules for the game or even better have the students make new ones to make it more challenging for the more proficient students.

Print the board, cut and glue to assemble one bigger game. Glue the tips of the game board markers. There are four, so this is a game for mainly 4 students. The pet shop template is for students to place the cards they get when playing. The winner is the one with the most pets in their shops. Students can play by just recognizing the pet they land on and get the corresponding card to place in their shop. As they get more advanced, make more difficult gramma sentences, such as: I want an orange cat for my pet shop.

pet unit board game

Playing this picture and word domino is great to use as a social interaction activity to promote socialization between your students.  It will be a matching picture and then word and so on. If you need bigger tiles let me know. I made them small in order for students to take them even outdoors or to play on their own.

Jumbled sentences games will reinforce the students with the correct understanding of the order of words in a sentence. This works towards proper grammar and syntax rules. Students’ ca moves the cards to make larger sentences or just make phrases. They can even write them down on their notebooks afterwards.

The sentence association game is great for language production as the students have to read the sentences and find the corresponding picture. They might find two pictures for one sentence and use their ability to pick the correct one. As your teaching context is unique, adapt this game as a reading activity or a listening/speaking one in which one student reads the sentence and the others find the corresponding card with the picture.

There is a set of small cards with pictures and words. It will help students memorize the new vocabulary. Use them for writing activities if you wish.

Include spelling activities for vocabulary development. This kind of activities helps into learning and remembering the new words.

After the students write the words using the cards, they can also write those on their notebooks.

 I used play Spelling Bingo a lot with my students. They really loved it. Just hand in a spelling bingo pet template to each student or group of students, so they know that these are spelling words playing. They will write five pet words on the template.

Call the words using the cards from any of the games above.

Made a guess what? Instead of a guess who? game. Give each pair of students a template with all the pets. I would suggest that you place them on a clear plastic sheet for them to write on the card and then erase easily for future use.

The students will ask each other questions bout the animal that one student selected for the other to guess: Is it green? Does it have big eyes? Is it a frog?

Check my blog for Kindergarten English Language Learners and find more resources on this unit. CLICK: https://eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com/2021/05/pets-unit-flashcards-for-kindergarten.html