3P's lessons plans

martes, 27 de febrero de 2024

Toys Unit Flashcards for the Elementary English Language Learners-Starters

This resource is included in this LINK,it comes with clear and flexible teaching guide to prep your lessons.
professor o maestra de ingles

This is a unit that comes up in several textbook series. I am including the most common words that I found in those books. The flashcards are an engaging tool for your students. Use them to reinforce the connection between the word and the picture making it easy to memorize. They are handy to introduce the topic of the unit and promote communicative language.

Reinforce grammar with the question: What + be?
Teacher: What is this?
Students: It's a kite.

introduce the topic of the toys unit.

Hand in the Toys flashcards and have the students arrange them in alphabetical order. This will help your students to build their new vocabulary in a systematic and structured way. Students will identify all the words: This is a ball.

Toys flashcards

Write the letters and numbers to make a grid on the board to place the flashcards in random order. Prepare your list of questions for each letter/word combination. The grid is wonderful as it provides a visual representation of all the flashcards to comprehend the activity.

You can use my questions as a guide.

Hand in the Pictionary worksheet and have the students draw any item that you have assigned to each one. Students will come to the front with their drawing and have the students guess. The person that guesses first wins a point. Playing this drawing game fosters creativity in your students. They will use their imagination to represent the toys through a drawing.

Pictionary worksheet toys unit


Go to my Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/rosamelia_eslteacher/

sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024

Food unit Printable Book for Elementary English Language Starters

 This resource is part of the Food Unit for Elementary English Language Starters.

LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Food-unit-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-Starters-11035412
docencia ingles

Expose your students to printed text, even if it is written by their peers. Give young learners the opportunity to practice writing short texts, which is crucial to develop literacy skills in the new language. Reading will be done as they recognize the target language in simple words or sentences.

Adapt this book to your student’s level. Give your students a writing and reading practice in a practical way using the Food Unit books photocopiable templates provided in the resource.

Food Unit books photocopiable

Print a template for each student. It can be a menu or the food I like book or do both. 

Students will cut the template and fold the match book.

Students will glue the cover of their match book. I choose the food I like as my example.

On the blank pages, students can draw the food items, they can cut from magazines and glue them. They should write a descriptive word, phrase or sentence.

Fold the food unit match book and exchange with other students to read. There you have a fun interactive activity to wrap up the unit.

food unit match book

Click here for more resources on the food unit : www.eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2024

Food unit Games for Elementary English Language Starters

 This resource is part of the Food Unit for Elementary English Language Starters to prepare your bank of games and activities for your lesson plan. Perfect for any English Classroom Teacher.

LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Food-unit-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-Starters-11035412

English Classroom Teacher.

Games are a valuable and flexible teaching tool in the English Language class. Adapt the games to suit the language proficiency of your students, to their specific needs and abilities. Promote social competence between your learners.

Take a look of the ones included in this resource.

This Linguistic competence game in which the students will match the word to a picture of a food or drink item accommodates to the different learning styles present in our classrooms. This game caters to visual learners effectively to build meaning.

match the word to a picture of a food or drink

Help your students with memorization and you know the perfect game for that: MEMORY!

Using the same cards to play the grammar bags. Find two lunch bags and glue the words countable and uncountable nouns. Students will sort the cards and justify why based on how you taught them. An easy game to promote pair or group interaction.

grammar bags countable and uncountable noun

A similar game is with this food quilt to associate the word to the picture.

Board games can be used to reinforce grammar rules. You can use it to review the countable and uncountable nouns, for example. Besides the board and the game pieces there is a set of cards that students will collect once they get to say if the noun is countable or uncountable. Communication systems will activate with a speaker and listener interaction.

Board games

This descriptive sentence game is fun as the students will draw what they managed to write using the cards and then transcribing on the worksheet. They can add more sentences to develop writing skills. This kind of activity encourages the use of more varied vocabulary. They can explore writing more sentences.

descriptive sentence game

Print the food unit domino tiles to promote language acquisition by engaging the students to play. They will be speaking and interacting as the tiles come with words and pictures.

food unit domino

Food Unit Sentence association cards are great as a visual aid for many learners. They will associate a sentence to any picture on the cards. Students will use the visual context to relate to the sentences on the cards. This is an enjoyable and motivating extra activity.

Sentence association cards food unit

Further practice as a spelling activity using the cheese letter tiles to write the food words. Students will touch the cards enhancing retention of the new vocabulary.

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lunes, 12 de febrero de 2024

Food unit Worksheets for Elementary English Language Starters

 This resource is part of the Food Unit for Elementary English Language Starters.

LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Food-unit-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-Starters-11035412
maestro de ingles escuela primaria

Use the food unit worksheets as a very cost-effective resource. If you don’t access to a lot of other active materials, just print and copy for your class. If you want to cut cost even more, place them in a clear plastic sheet and students write on them with a dry erase marker and then erase with a napkin. So, check all the worksheets included in the resource to use with the diversity of students in your class.

There is a set of vocabulary building worksheets to keep students actively engaged.The worksheets are a way into guiding your learners to learn.

vocabulary building food unit worksheet

This set will offer a hand-on way to reinforcing the new vocabulary even more for the very young learners. If the students cut them, they are cards to keep handy for writing or make them a matching game to play with classmates or at home.

These are the visual learning worksheets that involve drawing. They provide the opportunity for the students to draw the vocabulary words making a connection between them. Have the students draw the drinks as in the example, cut and paste on paper and then write sentences.

worksheets that involve drawing

Students will draw on the worksheet as they express their creativity by illustrating the food and drinks words. This will be an enjoyable activity leading to the retention of the vocabulary.

Let’s use these worksheets as recapitulation to review the previously unit taught units such as the face. Reinforce the vocabulary and enhance the retention of those concepts.

Have the students review the family members as a way to consolidate the learning of that previous theme. They will apply their knowledge of those words in a new context such as the foods unit making connections between both units to express likes or dilikes.

express likes or dilikes worksheet

These worksheets will provide your students with exposure to a variety of sentences structures to contribute to language acquisition.

Love to use worksheets to review previous units. Combine listening to creativity by doing this worksheet. Numbers 1 to 20 in a sandwich. By listening to your instructions, students learn to follow spoken directions. Students will expand their vocabulary in another context by associating a color to a number. Reviewing numbers 1 to 20 is crucial to your learners. Understanding numbers is important for classroom instructions, such as looking up a page in their books, for writing the date and more.

 This can also be a speaking activity.                                                                                            Ask the color of each number: What color is number 20?
Students: pink!

Take a look!

These worksheets are here to improve reading comprehension. Students will understand the sentences in the context and respond appropriately, with the result of effective communication. As for Grammar there is yes/no question + be worksheet.

yes/no question + be worksheet. food unit worksheets

I love to include questionnaire worksheets in all the resources of this Serie. This is where students put in use their linguistic competence with a simple directed dialogue. They encourage the students to read a question to a classmate and have to write the answer. It is a practice for paeaking, listening and writing. You can also graph results on the board.

questionnaire worksheets food unit

Graphing the favorite food. Do this one as a simple survey by placing the options on the board, using the flashcards: pizza, hamburger, chicken, fries, hot dog, salad. Create a bar graph on the board as they will come with their worksheet and place it under their option bar. Tally the results.

Food surveys are always fun! Many options you can think of and the students will come up with even more surveying ideas.

Check my Instagram Account for more freebies and resources: https://www.instagram.com/rosamelia_eslteacher/

viernes, 9 de febrero de 2024

Food unit Small Cards for Elementary English Language Starters

 This resource is part of the Food Unit for Elementary English Language Starters. It can be used by Grade K/3 English teachers.

LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Food-unit-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-Starters-11035412

Grade K/3 English teachers.

Promote active learning with the small cards, which are a smaller version from the bigger flashcards. With this teaching tools students will engage in different activities or games that you will plan to improve the retention of the new vocabulary from this unit. Just dropping several ideas to use them.

Print your small cards that perfect for paired work in class.

Set the conditions for learning by using this kind of activity. Sorting is still a valuable teaching tool that I bring from Kindergarten to the Primary and Elementary grades. Sorting the food into food and drinks will provide another way to practice the vocabulary. Have them explain why they put a card into any category. They can do this on the board or a table to reinforce the key langauge.

Sorting food cards

Students will use their ability to classify or categorize the food unit cards encouraging their critical thinking.

classify or categorize the food cards

Personalizing/Personalising activities for your students makes it more relevant to them. They have the opportunity to connect what they are learning to their own experience, thought or likes, making the activity more engaging. Place all the small cards on a table for them to go pick the ones that they would plan a meal for themselves. They can take them to their desk, draw the items and write down the food in their meals. They can come up front and show their meal and have the students say if they liked it or not.


Inspire Communication with this activity. It is kinaesthetic option that involves some action. Hand in the picture food small cards to a group of students and the order ticket to the other half. The students with the small cards should be at their desks with the cards facing down. The students with the order tickets should stand up and walk around looking for the items to complete their order, asking questions: Do you have a hamburger? If the student has the card, they have to give it to the student.

The first student to complete the order ticket comes to the front and will take fist place. Students will stand in the corresponding order. Give specific feedback as you highlight the correct question that you hear: Pete, I heard you ask correct questions, very good!

Communication small cards kinaesthtic activity

Love this simple and interactive game.  Use it to help reinforce the new vocabulary for the food unit words. Print all the small cards from the unit and the templates for the tic tac toe, all X and O.

tic tac toe game food unit

Go to my Pinterest account: https://www.pinterest.com/ei98srl