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miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Adjectives for EFL Students

Here is an update on the Adjectives Flashcards, there are more than 100.  Link to the resource:

OR You can find it here: 
The adjective flashcards are here to promote the use of natural language.

Place this adjective flashcard on the board. 
Ask questions to develop the oral and listening skills.
Teacher: Look at this man. He is tall. (write the word tall in white)
Look at this man. He is short. (write the word short in white)
Do the same with thin and fat but with a yellow chalk. Assign a name to each man. Make sentences.
Teacher: Pedro is tall and thin. Eddy is fat and short.
Have the class pick two students to make more sentences similar to the example.

Here we have happy and sad flashcards. Do the same.
Teacher: Who is this?
Student: He is Danny.
Teacher: Danny is happy.
Teacher: Who is this?
Student: He is Joe.
Teacher: Joe is sad.
Have two students come to the front and act as a happy and sad. The class has to make more sentences. 
Introduce new and old with the flashcards. Show students the difference that these words are used for things. Point to the first car.
Teacher: What is this?
Student: It is a car.
Teacher: It is a new car.
Teacher: What is this?
Student: It is orange.
Let’s go with clean and dirty flashcards.
Teacher: What are these?
Student: They are pants.
Teacher: They are clean pants.
Teacher: They are dirty pants. Point to the dirt spots.
Have the students walk around and find examples with more clothing items and say the corresponding sentence.
I can’t miss, big and small.
Teacher: What is this?
Student: It is a backpack.
Teacher: It is a big backpack. And this?
Student: It is a small backpack.

There is a game I found called Grumpy Grandpa in this book.
I adapted it and made my own version.
It is a good idea to have the students get familiar with the cards by matching them on the table first.
This game can be played in pairs or in groups of three. There are 24 cards. Give each group a set of cards. Students shuffle the cards and hand them all out to the members of the group. Students hold all the cards in their hands without showing them to the group. Explain that the idea of the game is to make pairs of picture and words. The first student to make them by getting rid of all the cards is the winner. Have them notice that there is a Funny Guy card that does not match to any word.
 The game starts as students make pairs that they already have in their own cards and lay them on the table as they name the adjectives. The players make sure that the pairs are right.
Student 1 picks a card without seeing from the next to him/her and checks if it makes a pair to his/her own cards. If there is a pair, the students lay the pair on the table. The game continues until the first students gets rid of all the cards.Watch the video to see how the game is played. I made my girls play to test the game.
Since many of you are doing distance teaching these days, use the game cards to introduce the new vocabulary, they are small enough to manage through the small screen. Watch the video, I did some examples with my girls.
                                              More examples: 

Check the other blog posts for the same resource:
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