3P's lessons plans

Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta beach. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta beach. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Free Resources for the Elementary ELL

 I have several freebies for you! They are part of the permanent collection at the Teachers pay Teachers  store. There are other freebies that I post for only a few days, so take a look once you are there. LINK to the store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Holistic-English-Resources-By-Rosa-Amelia

freebies tpt

FREEBIE 1: This is an easy printable book for the early beginners.
Remember to leave a comment after you download the resource to get extra credits at the TPT store for when you want to make any purchase. Also leave comments for any other resource that you have downloaded either free or paid from any other seller in the store and grab your extra credits.

FREEBIE 2: This is a free resource for the Beach Unit. It comes with Beach Numbers 1 to 12 flashcards, and a printable sentence association game.

Freebie #3. As EFL Teachers we should have little Birthday Certificates to give away. Just print and fill them out ahead of time and ready to hand in throughout the school year. There is more to this free resource. Check out the blog post and follow the LINK! 


Freebie #4. Community Helpers Flashcards in Spanish. I know that many teachers need flashcards in Spanish, which is my native language. I can make more upon request. LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Community-Helpers-Flashcards-in-Spanish-5619518
take a look!

Freebie # 5. There is a group of teachers that need Flashcards in Spanish. I made these available for FREE, but I will accept requests for any other theme of flashcards that you might need. Download your flashcards here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/El-Clima-Flashcards-The-Weather-Flashcards-in-Spanish-5342516
Freebie # 6. Easy to print and put together Family Members Puppets. Here is the link to download the file.   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Unit-Puppets-4824345
Here is a closer look of the puppets.
Freebie # 7. Getting your students ready to write their name on worksheets, handouts or anything else. Here are 3 FREE worksheets to introduce the name. CLICK here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Name-Worksheets-for-the-Kindergarten-EFL-2836216

Freebie #8. I made a new resource for the same Seasons unit and just put this one for FREE to use with your Elementary English Language Learners. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Seasons-Unit-for-Elementary-ESL-5403227 
It includes: Seasons Flashcards, Spelling Bingo, Tracer Book, Picture and words cards, worksheets,clothes book. Check the blog post: https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2020/04/seasons-unit-free-resources-for.html

Freebie #9. This is a short printable book for the end of the school year that wraps up the units worked on. Download it here for FREE: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/All-About-Me-For-Elementary-EFL-5934773

Here is a video on the book.
Freebie #10. These simple like plates are great to sort the fruit likes or the food items likes. You can even use it for the pets likes or any other. I used paper plates and the cutouts. It is free!!!   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Fruit-likes-plates-2357249

Freebie #11.There are many spelling activities that you can do with the bottle caps. The template is for FREE. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Number-Bottle-Caps-2155938

Freebie #12. This is a resource that can go along your Birthday Unit. Just balloons! It includes: Number balloons Flashcards from 1 to 10, a Class Book and a Memory Game. All in black and White and colored versión.

Freebie #13. End of the school year props for pictures.

I will add more freebies to this list so check back often and also on social media. Follow me!!

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Beach Unit for Elementary ESL Learners

As I have researched not all the book series that you work with have this unit, but I think it can be done at the end of the school year for those last days when the book is finished or it can be added when you are doing the Sea Animals.
Here’s the link to all the resources:
Beach Unit Flashcards. Vocabulary enriches the students’ language. Flashcards are a good strategy to start with. Display all the flashcards on the board. Point to each beach item and have the students name them.
Teacher: What is this?
Students: It's a beach ball.
Have the students sort the beach items and the nature items.
Beach Unit Flashcards.

Do Spelling with students. Start spelling a word and the students name it and point to that specific flashcard.
Teacher: s-h-o-v-e-l
Students: shovel !
Spelling beach unit

Then there are Beach Verbs Flashcards
Beach Verbs Flashcards.

Use them to make sentences.
Teacher: He can eat a popsicle.
Student: He can play with a beach ball. 

Beach prepositions. Draw a beach scene on the board. Place the cutouts in the scene.

Teacher: Where is the chair?
Students: It is under the umbrella.
Beach prepositions.

On the same beach scene, place the children on the beach and review Verbs.
Teacher: Where are the children?
Students: They are at the beach.
Teacher: What is he doing?
Students: He is playing with a beach ball.
Teacher: What are they doing?
Students: They are swimming.

Students will create their own scene and write a text to describe it. Children can use the objects and /or the children. The sentences will be on actions or on prepositions. Then have them show their work.

Have children work in pairs with their beach scene and ask questions without seeing each other paper.
Student 1: Is there a beach ball?
Student 2: No, there isn’t.
The student who can guess the most items wins.

Students can also do more writing on these templates and then create a classroom garland for all the students to read.

Beach and Numbers. Use the number cards to review numbers and plurals.

Teacher: What is behind Number 2?
Students: The sun!
Place several Number cards on the board and have the students draw the items.
Teacher: How many shells are there?
Students: There are 5 blue shells.

Beach and the alphabet. Same cards as the numbers to review the alphabet.
Teacher: What is behind letter A?
Students: a beach ball?
Teacher: Where is the crab?
Students: It is on letter B and W.

Book: The penguins are going on vacation. I happened to run into this book from when my kids were in Kindergarten. I thought it be a start for my blog post. If you want the book on pdf  request it : (ei98srl@gmail.com)

Here are all the cutouts to use on a flannel board. I made mine out of a floor cleaning cloth. Use it for retelling the story. I placed Velcro to all the pieces and it sticks perfectly.

I always wanted a flannel board but making one was a where do I start. I researched and saw this idea of using a mopping cloth. I went to the supermarket and bought this pink one. Yes, pink, the other one was gray. I have bought a yellow one and I am trying to catch a blue one. They are cheap where I live and they are good quality. I went to the tailor and had a border sewn on it and a little hanging hoop.  If you make one either for your classroom or home, it is easy to hang and easy to put ways since it is not very big. You don’t have to add the border.

Pick a cute book. I used this book that my kids had at home. I have the pdf for free by request (ei98srl@gmail.com)

I also made a similar book to review the grammar and vocabulary from the original book, instead of penguins going on vacation I used frogs. The black and white version has traceable sentences.

And koalas can also go on vacation. I made puppets to retell the story.
Teacher and students: The koalas are going on vacation. The koala is going to surf. The koala is going to play with a beach ball. The koala is going to make a sandcastle. The koala is going to scuba dive. The koala is going to drive. The kola is going to drink lemonade.

The mouse is going on vacation but on a worksheet.  Students complete the scene of all the things that the mouse is going to do on vacation.

Some Monsters are going on vacation but I made spinners. One spinner has numbers and the other one has the monsters. The number spinner stands for the amount of sentences to say or write and the monster is central character of the sentences.

A simple game: word and picture association.
                           And a free file! Go to the link and download it.    https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Beach-Numbers-for-Elementary-EFL-4079286

Print the beach numbers cards and use them for speaking opportunities in the classroom.

And print the Sentence association game for the Beach unit Numbers review.

or use as a notebook activity.

                       There is a bundle with this resource included.                                                     Here is the link to check it out.