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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta board activity. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

Colors Unit for Elementary English Language Learners

 Colors Unit for Elementary English Language Learners

This English teacher resource is for teaching starters or Elementary English Language Learners. It comes with flashcards, small cards, worksheets, games and a flap book with a focus on promoting communicate language. This is the unit for the students to identify all the 11 basic colors that would be used along all the book series that you choose.

Find it by clicking here:      https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Colors-Theme-for-Elementary-ESL-3629423     

Preschool English teacher resource

It is also listed at this store: bilingualmarketplace

Color or colour? Well, that’s up to you. I included grey, just in case. Start introducing the colors vocabulary.Then have the students identify and name colors.

Colors Unit Downloadable Flashcards

Give your students exposure and fun practice with the Monster Colors flashcards.Ask your students if they know any color word in English. Show the flashcards and see how many colors they can name.

Colors Unit Downloadable Flashcards

Ask Yes/ No questions using the colors flashcards. Have students nod their heads when they answer with yes and shake their heads when they answer with no.  Teacher: Is it blue?

Students: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

Use the worksheet to practice the structures.

Practice asking and answering questions. Attach the color flashcards to the board. Draw a grid around them. Point to each flashcard and have the students say the color word. Say a number and letter combination and have the students guess which color it is.
Teacher: B2
Students: black

color flashcards grid

Color Unit Small Cards.

Easy to print and handy to have for multiple games. Here is one. Just cut the word from the picture and have the students match them.

Color Unit Small Cards

Students can show each other a small card and ask questions to describe the color: What color is it?

Colors Unit Worksheets

Worksheets can be printed for extra practice on any grammar or vocabulary that your students need to work on.

Have the children listen and point to the color word you say. They should repeat the color word.

Colors Unit Worksheets

This is a read and color set of worksheets that cater to the need of your specific students. Have the students read the color listing aloud when they are done.

read and color set of worksheets

Use the worksheet as a cut and play kind of worksheet. Students will cut all the strips and place on their desk. Say: Show me orange! They will find that strip of paper and show it to you as they repeat the word.

cut and play kind of worksheet

Write the correct vowel letter worksheet and color. Check the spelling.

Write the correct vowel letter worksheet

Do a listening, color and write the word kind of worksheet. It’s a multiple skill activity.

listening, color and write the word kind of worksheet

A worksheet to associate words with colors to help reinforce the connection between the written word and its meaning. Students will write the vowel.

Practice patterns with this simple worksheet that you can do as a listening activity or as a show and tell patterns.

patterns with this simple worksheet

Colors Word Search Worksheet.

Colors Word Search Worksheet.

Coloring is an engaging activity for young children. Have fun with this coding worksheet.

A nice worksheet to color each word in the corresponding color.

Express preferences
using the Favorite color worksheets.

Practice asking and answering questions about the favorite color. Display the color flashcards around the classroom. Have the students to run to their favorite color flashcard and stand next to it. Ask them: What’s your favorite color?

Students: It’s red!

Ask: What’s your favourite colour? and encourage different students to answer. Then, they can complete the worksheet. Use your color flashcards or small cards to name several colors and the students with that color mentioned  in their worksheets should stand up. Write the amount of students that stood up on board, so you can start a graph.

Express preferences using the Favorite color worksheets.

Give a twist to the graph for the favorite color. Place colored balloons at several parts of the classroom. After the students finish their favorite color worksheets. Have them find the balloon of their favorite color and stand right there. Tally the results.

There is the questionnaire worksheet. Use it for the students to walk around the classroom and ask questions and write the response. Place the worksheets into a plastic sheet device so you can use it several times. An activity that will promote peer interaction and communication.

Questionnaires are engaging, students have to walk around and ask the questions in English. After completing the survey, students can share their favorite colors with the class.

Here is a video with all the worksheets in this resource:

Colors Unit Games

Play a colors board game. Print as many as you need and set up the board game. Students should be able to understand and use the color vocabulary as they play.

colors board gam

Color Word Bingo

 Bingo is a vocabulary game with a focus on memorization and listening comprehension.

Use any of the color word worksheets to create 2 Bingo grids to use any time during any of your lesson. Students will cut and paste the colors splash and words randomly. As they play, they have to recognize the color words being called. You can be the caller or have any other students be it, using the color flashcards or small cards.

Color Word Bingo

Unscramble the color words and match game. Just print, cut and have your students start putting together the color words.

Unscramble the color words and match game

Take a look!

Word Asssociation game. Use this set of cards for many games that you have your students play on their own with very little supervision.

-       Match the words to the color splotches

-       Memory

-     -  Match it up: hand in one card to each student in the class. At your signal, students walk around looking for their match. If they find someone with the matching card, they stand together and say: Match up!

 Match it up card game


Color Unit Books

A flap book to wrap up this unit. Include this simple book in your lesson plan to build confidencein reading skills,

Print both pages for a student or a group of students.

Color Unit Books

Students will assemble the flap book by stapling the vertical side of the two pages and cutting the strips of the flap book. They have to read and color the splotches.

flap book

And a more classic Color Monster printable book.

Color Monster printable book

The resource doesn't end here!! Go to the next blog and see the rest.

Direct message me at my Instagram Account:    https://www.instagram.com/rosamelia_eslteacher

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2019

Simple past tense with town and prepositions for ESL

Link to the resource:
I have it at this other store: https://www.bilingualmarketplace.com/products/simple-past-tense-of-the-verb-to-be-with-town-and-prepostions?variant=32013476561034
                                     Watch the video of the product:

Review the use of prepositions first and then show how to use them in the simple past. I created a set of long cards to place on the board or to ue in groups.

ON-used for days of the week. Write the word on and place the days of the week long cards on the board as in a mind map.
Teacher: On Monday!
Students: On Tuesday ! (continue with more)

IN-used for parts of the day.

                IN - used for months of the year.

AT-used for time of the day.

AT-used for specific place
              Teacher: at school!
              Students: at the pharmacy ! (continue with more)

AT-used for general locations or buildings in a town.

Teacher: at the post office!
Students: at the bank ! (continue with more)

On-used for specific dates and days.

IN - used for seasons.

Now, have the students practice the use of the prepostions.
I made two size of pockets to sort the cards. This one is smaller and can be used on the notebook. This activity can be done individually or in small groups.
And I made another set of pocket a little bigger to be used as a group activity. Just make a pocket by gluing each pocket template onto cardboard and print a set of cards and have the students do the sorting .
Or use plastic plates, you can write a preposition with a dry erase maker and students can do the sorting.

Another idea is to create a flap book, either horizontal o vertical.
Follow me! I will post the next part which is using the simple past tense of the verb to be and the prepositions + town.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2019

Family member’s name, face and emotions for ESL

This is the second part of the family unit resource. All will be one product. LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Flashcards-worksheets-and-more-for-Elementary-ESL-students-4841832
family unit resource
It is available in this other store:
Watch the video of the complete resource:

Family members have a name.Use the possessive adjectives to introduce them.
Teacher: Who is this?
Students: Mother!
Teacher: What’s the mother’s name?
Students: Patricia. Her name is Patricia.
Continue with all the family members.
possessive adjectives family members flashcards

Family members have facial features
Use the flashcards to describe the parts of the face.
Teacher: Who is this?
Students: Mother!
Teacher: Look at the mother! She has curly black hair. She has black eyes.
                      Family members  facial features flashcards

Insert each flashcard into a clear plastic sheet and using dry erase markers have the students label the facial features.

Students will understand how to use adjectives to express emotions.
I made a set of worksheets that can be done in a group to color in the facial features and the emotions. Each student can do one family member and then present to the class.
adjectives to express emotions worksheets

Or, they can exchange with other students in the group and read. The teacher can start a question and answer session.

Teacher: Who is this?
Students: The aunt!
Teacher: What’s her name?
Students: Her name is Lucy.
Teacher: Does she have brown hair?
Students: Yes, she does!
Teacher: Does she have blue eyes?
Students: No, she doesn’t. She has green eyes.
Teacher: Is she happy or sad?
Students: She is happy!

I also added a smaller set just in case you needed it.
After the little faces are done, you can sort the family members by hair color.
                                     Or sort by eye color.

Family Unit Pocket charts can be used for reading purpose and have them work in pairs to complete the reading task.Use these to ask yes/no questions: Is this Father?

ask yes/no questions family unit pocket chart

If you do not have a pocket chart, try making the sentences on the desk or a mat.
Make it fun to read using a pointer. I had this old one from the Dollar Tree store.

I found these dry erase cutouts and use it for writing the sentences in the pocket charts.
You can make your own sentences for the pocket charts. I used these strips that I had from the Dollar Store.
Or cut the words and have the students make the sentences.
To end this part of the Family Unit I made a game board.

The golf balls are the markers for each student, I placed a clip behind each ball. The cards are light green (female) or dark green (male) depending if landing on the dark or green part of the game board. Students move along the board as they answer the questions correctly.

               This resource is part of the Family Unit BUNDLE:   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Unit-BUNDLE-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6704385
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