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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta prepositions. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta prepositions. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2025

Town Small Cards for elementary ESL

This resource is included in Town Flashcards at this Link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Town-Flashcards-for-the-Elementary-ESL-3713783

The small cards can be used for pair work, small group games, or individual practice, making lessons more engaging. Smaller size makes them more portable and convenient for teachers with limited storage space

Play "Listen and Number the Building".

Students will listen to name or descriptions of different buildings and number correctly the small cards using the number cutouts. Place the small cards with buildings on the streets.

Teacher: The restaurant is number 3!

As a variation students can play in pairs: One student describes, and the other numbers the buildings.

Look at the video:

Town Map Placement Game

Students will listen to location-based cues and correctly place their small town cards on a the designated space at the streets. Lay out the printable streets. Distribute the Small Cards.
The teacher calls out location instructions: "Place the park next to the school."
This kind of activity reinforces prepositions and directions in a hands-on way.

Just Like in this video!

Guess the Building!

 Students will listen to clues and guess the correct town building from the small cards or flashcards. Place the small town unit cards (e.g., hospital, school, park, supermarket, etc.) on the streets templates. Select a Game Leader who will be the clue giver. The leader secretly picks a building card without showing or telling the others. The leader describes the building without saying its name. The other students listen carefully and raise their hands or call out their answer. This game Improves listening and critical thinking as students analyze clues.

Video example:

Encourage speaking and writing as you ask questions:

Teacher: Where is the library?
Students: It is between the post office and the pet shop.
Students can also write the questions and answers on their notebooks.

Take a look!

Make sentences using the expression There is.

Students can describe locations using the cards.

Get fresh ideas to create an engaging and fun learning environment by going to my other blog for younger learners, My Blog: EFL Preschool Teachers! At this link:  https://eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com/

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2025

Town Flashcards for elementary ESL

 I made 190 flashcards for the Town theme and included places, community, stores, land features, neighborhood, places for leisure activities. And here are several ideas to promote speaking using flashcards.

Link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Town-Flashcards-for-the-Elementary-ESL-3713783

The language objective is to learn the name of the places in a town using the flashcards. Students will learn the vocabulary related to places they encounter daily such as, school, park, supermarket, making the lessons more meaningful and relevant.

Use the demonstratives "This" and "That" to build Understanding of Proximity.  Use the point finger to introduce this and that.

Teacher: This is a bank. That is the cinema.

Hand in the point finger and using more flashcards, have the students say the sentences.

Make abstract grammar rules more tangible by using visual aids like the town flashcards to start a Drill. Nominate an individual student to be the driller. The class or the group members have to read each flashcard.

Give the flashcards to individual students.

Teacher: Where are you?

Student: I am at the police station. (shows the card) This is the police station.

I use my Commands Flashcards for this activity. LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Classroom-Commands-Flashcards-1816475

Place a location flashcard on each seat or desk. Teacher: Pam, run to the police station.

Teacher: Kim, Go to the hospital.

Name more town places. Put several flashcards and have students name a place in your town or city. Write the place under each flashcard. Have the students make another list with more flashcards. Here I wrote examples of my hometown.

Sort the flashcards by buildings, stores, work places, nature.

Make it a hands-on learning experience. Speaking activity with- Let´s go ! -Have the students make sentences using Let´s go to.

Teacher: Let´s go to the museum!

Students: Let´s go to the park!

Identifying locations using There is. Play Guess game using interrogatives. Have 5 students come to the front and give a flashcard to each one and don´t let them show the flashcards to the class, but they do have to know what flashcards are playing. The class has to guess the buildings in town.
Students: Is there a library?
Student in the front: Yes, there is. (shows the card)
Students: Is there a museum?
Student in the front: No, there isn´t.


Use of the structure There are to describe the town. Place several town flashcards on the board. Have a student come up one at a time and draw as you say. The students will draw the scene on their notebooks and write the sentences.

Teacher: There are two cars at the post office. There are four flowers at the restaurant. There are three giraffes at the zoo.

Where is the family? I added a set of family flashcards to make sentences with the town flashcards.
Teacher: Where is Mother?
Students: Mother is in the shoe store.

Or, you place more place flashcards and tell students where the family members are and have them attach the corresponding flashcard.

Teacher: Father is in the restaurant.

The unit naturally integrates location-based language (e.g., "next to," "between," "across from"), reinforcing spatial awareness and preposition use. Where?. Place several flashcards on the board.  Draw Main Street and start asking questions.
Teacher: Excuse me, It is on Main Street, between the fire station and the library.
Teacher: Where is the library ?
Students: It is on Main Street, next to the hospital.


Use of the adjectives On the left, on the right. Draw the street and arrows, place a flashcard on the right and another on the left.

Teacher: The bus station is on the right. The beauty salon is on the left.

Have students write questions to ask you about your street.

Student: Is there a bus stop?
Teacher: No, there isn´t.

Where and what number? A good review for the numbers 1 to 20.

Place several flashcards on both sides of the road and add a write on each one.
Teacher: Where is the apartment building?
Students: It´s on the right.
Teacher: What number is it?
Students: It´s number 14.

Use of the preposition At the corner of. Draw a street intersection, if it is a known one of your town the better. Add the flashcards.

Teacher: The school is at the corner of First Avenue and Main Street.

Have the students draw more examples and write the sentences. Then dictate to a student that will go to the board and place the flashcards.

Draw a street on the board. Give a set of flashcards to several students. Have them place the cards in the correct position on the street. Give them a written text where the cards should go. The students have to discuss how to place them.

The shoe store is on Main Street. The clothing store is next to the shoe store. The hotel is next to the shoe store. The shoe store is between the clothing store and the Hotel. The bowling alley is across the street. The planetarium is next to the bowling alley.

Quickly find all the links to blogs, social media and more without searching multiple platforms. https://linktr.ee/HolisticEnglishResources

martes, 11 de febrero de 2025

Fruit and Veggies Prepositions for Elementary ELLs.

 This resource is included in The Fruit and Vegetables level 1 for Elementary ELLS. LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Fruit-and-Vegetables-level-1-for-Elementary-ELLS-12275711

This resource provides a clear and engaging visual aid to help young English language learners grasp spatial concepts. It also supports multiple learning styles—students can listen, observe, manipulate cutouts, and even act out prepositions, making learning more interactive and memorable. Additionally, it encourages sentence-building and oral language development, reinforcing both vocabulary and grammar in a fun and meaningful way.

Lay out the Prepositions flashcards and have students write sentences that describe the apple’s location.

Say a preposition sentence (e.g., "The apple is next to the tree"), and students find and point to the correct flashcard.

Practice the positional words by printing the small cards provided and place them on the pocket charts and ask the question: Where is the apple?

Students: It’s in front of the tree.

The worksheets allow students to apply what they’ve learned at their own pace, building confidence in using prepositions.

Use this worksheet as a Pictionary to reference at any time. Students can cut the cards and write a sentence for each one.

Print and assemble the die. Have the students color the card as they throw the die and see where it landed.

Give students the printable tree and apples and have them place the apple in the position that matches the die. Then, they can draw that apple on the worksheet and if possible, write sentences on their notebooks.

Have students match puzzle pieces with images of the apple’s location and corresponding preposition words to form correct sentences. Helps students make direct connections between images and words.

Students can cut and glue pieces onto a poster board to reinforce learning and decorate the classroom.

Students roll a die, move their piece on the board game, and describe the apple’s position based on the spot they land on. Helps students practice forming complete sentences in a natural setting.

Here is another blog post to see what else is included in the resource:    https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2024/09/fruit-and-veggies-flashcards-for.html

All my interactive games, worksheets, and creative ideas to make learning English exciting! 📌 Follow my Pinterest boards and save time and bring fun learning into your classroom! https://www.pinterest.com/ei98srl

domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2024

Transportation Flashcards for Elementary ELL

 This resource is included in the Transportation unit for Elementary ESL at this link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Transportation-Unit-for-Elementary-ESL-4049752

The resource helps students learn essential transportation-related words to improve their vocabulary. These flashcards provide clear, visual representations of transportation vocabulary, aiding comprehension and retention.

The flashcards can be used in vocabulary drills such as description of the vehicles: The train is red.

Flashcards encourage students to answer questions about the different types of transportation.

Teacher: Are there two cars?
Students: Yes, there are.

Flashcards work for counting.

Make your lessons more dynamic and fun, incorporating the
sorting  the flashcards by land, sea, air activity.

Use any flashcards for small group or whole-class activities. Model an example using the demonstratives: this and that, these and those. Example: This is a boat and that is a ship.

Hand in several flashcards to the stduents and have them say their sentences.

Practice the grammar structure: “I like [transportation], but I don’t like [transportation].” to reinforce transportation vocabulary. Emphasize the” final s” to the nouns.

Teach and practice adjectives related to the vehicles (e.g., long, short, cheap, expensive, fast, slow, new, old, big, small).

Review the adjective words using your arms and hands. Stretch your arms for long and hold your hands closer for short. Practice by doing another sorting on the board, having the students select the corresponding flashcards for each adjective.

Equal Comparison (as…as)

Introduce the comparatives of adjectives (faster, slower, bigger, smaller). Teach the Spelling Rule: Add -er to the adjective: fast → faster

Practice the superlatives of the adjectives (the fastest, the slowest, the biggest, the smallest). Ask students to make sentences with other flashcards.

Students can physically move flashcards around to demonstrate prepositions.

Give students instructions: “The van is next to the bus.”

Ask where people are in the vehicles using the corresponding preposition.

Have students use the word “ by “ to describe how to go to different places.

The flashcards can be adapted for different verb tenses and structures.

Tell the students that we use these three main verbs for the vehicles. Place them on the board and create a mind map.

Teacher: I can drive a car.
Students: I can fly a plane.

Have students take turns making sentences answering with the present continuous.

Explore my blog, EFL Preschool Teachers, where you’ll find inspiring lessons, helpful tips, and ready-to-use materials designed for young English learners. 🧩📚 Click: https://eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com