3P's lessons plans

lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

Can as an Ability Flashcards

 This resource is part of Can as an Ability for Elementary ESL at this link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Can-as-an-Ability-Unit-for-Elementary-ESL-4299251

Use the Can as an ability flashcards to identify and use the action words.

Place two flashcards on the board and write the sentence: They can swim. Have the students repeat and find two more flashcards and write more sentences on the board or their notebooks.

Can as an ability flashcards

These flashcards make it clear that "can" expresses ability.  Teach the students the negative of the sentences using can’t.

Give repetitive practice where students can see the word "can" in different contexts, reinforcing their understanding and usage. Show how to ask questions using can.

Show how to answer in negative form.

Ask more questions and have the students use their yes or no stick puppets. Just, print and add a craft stick. Students can make their own.

Flashcards can also be used to practice speaking. These can introduce actions and activities vocabulary.

Show the students the flashcard of see. Ask the information question: What can you see?

Have them write on their notebooks the answer. Then, select several students to read their answers and the rest can check if they have the same answer.

actions and activities vocabulary flashcards

Recycle the vocabulary frequently. Show the students a flashcard and have them mime the action and say: I can run!

Understanding how to use "can" lays the foundation for more complex grammatical structures. Ask questions with WHO? The students that can perform the actions should stand up.

Flashcard activities can be interactive and fun, keeping young learners engaged.  Create a graph on what the students can or can’t do by placing several flashcards on the board and have the students come and write yes or no under each flashcard.

Mastering simple statements using "can" builds ELLs' confidence in their English abilities. Being able to say what they can do in English is empowering and encourages them to keep learning. Ask students: What can you do? Have them write the answers on their notebooks and then dictate to you so you can put up the flashcards on the board.

Sorting flashcards into categories helps students develop organizational skills. This task requires them to analyze and categorize the flashcards, enhancing their cognitive abilities as they sort the flashcards into music and sports.

Write several descriptive sentences on the board and have the students find the correct flashcards and place it underneath.

Learning to use conjunctions helps students create more complex and varied sentences, moving beyond simple statements to more detailed descriptions. Contrast two flashcards using and by finding them with the same verb: She can cook and he can cook, too.

Practicing these structures helps students expand their vocabulary and become more fluent in speaking and writing. Students will express their ability and lack of ability. Contrast using but: I can jump rope, but I can’t skateboard. Have the students make more similar sentences using the flashcards.

Place the modal verb can for ability  flashcards into plastic sheets and have the students complete the verb phrase with magnetic board marker that can be easily erased.

modal verb can for ability  flashcards

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viernes, 7 de junio de 2024

Clothes unit book for Elementary ESL

 This resource is part of Clothes Theme for Elementary ESL. It can used with ENL-English as New Language Students. 

Click here:

ENL-English as New Language Students.

Creating a fashion catalog as group work will build vocabulary. Students will use the new words related to clothing.

There are templates provided. Make yours as an example to guide students through the catalog creation process. Offer sentence starters that you would like that your learners to practice.

Have the students describe the clothing pictures that they could draw or cut from magazines and creating captions helps improve sentence structure, grammar, and writing skills.

When the stduents design the catalog, it will encourage creativity. They will also express their individuality through fashion choices, which can be empowering and confidence-building. It is fun to work together to create the catalog promoting collaboration and cooperative learning.

The groups can present the catalogs to the class to boost oral language abilities.

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miércoles, 5 de junio de 2024

Clothes unit Games for Elementary ESL

 This resource is part of Clothes Theme for Elementary ESL Teacher. Click here:

Elementary ESL Teacher

 Integrate games into the learning process for your elementary English language learners (ELLs), especially when teaching vocabulary related to clothing.

Clothes Unit Board Games are fun and engaging. Use them to increase students' motivation to learn. Children are more likely to participate actively with their peers. This board game requires that the players think critically and answer the questions on the card according to the color they land on.

Repetition is crucial for vocabulary acquisition. Playing clothes domino will provide an opportunity to repeat and practice the clothes words in a natural and enjoyable context. Students will practice speaking and listening as they place their domino tile in the corresponding place.

The combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements in games can enhance memory retention. Interactive activities such as the clothes puzzle printable will help students remember vocabulary better than traditional rote learning. Players have to solve the puzzle as they navigate the game.

Many games require teamwork, collaboration, and communication, which helps ELLs develop their social skills and practice language use in social interactions. This is an old game. People name it the snapdragon or cootie catcher. Print the template if it useful or have the students do it from scratch.  I will add a video for how to assemble the snapdragon.

Spelling Games create a low-stress environment.  Print this Hands-On Interaction letter tiles. This game can be particularly beneficial for young learners.

Games can be adapted to cater to different learning styles and proficiency levels, such as this matching word to the clothes pictures. This allows teachers to provide differentiated instruction for the students present in class. Associating words with images helps students remember vocabulary more effectively.

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viernes, 31 de mayo de 2024

Clothes unit Worksheets for Elementary ESL

 This resource is part of Clothes Theme for Elementary or Primary School ESL. Click here:


Elementary or Primary School ESL

 The clothes items Worksheets are an effective tool. They will support vocabulary acquisition, reading and writing practice, listening and speaking activities, providing opportunities for assessment and feedback. These activities make learning interactive and engaging, catering to the diverse needs of young learners.

All the worksheets included:

The worksheets are helpful for reinforcing the vocabulary related to clothes. They all provide visual aids for easy memorization. Combining verbal and visual information enhances memory retention.

The worksheets have reading and writing practice such as clothing labels. Learners with limited proficiency can still perform well on this kind of activity.

Descriptions provide context, helping learners understand how and when to use specific vocabulary related to clothing. Working on sentence structure improves their grammar.

Fill in the blank worksheet. This example is a complete the clothes word and color as you dictate each item.

Answering Grammar question about clothes. Combine grammar and vocabulary practice to provide a more comprehensive learning experience.

Answering Grammar question about clothes worksheets

More grammar exercises changing from negative to affirmative about people's clothes.
changing from negative to affirmative about people's clothes. worksheet

There is simple present tense practice with several worksheets.  Give
Contextual Understanding to Help learners understand and use vocabulary in context, improving both grammar and vocabulary simultaneously. Students will identify the owner of the clothes in each sentence.

identify the owner of the clothes worksheet

I always include a listening and speaking kind of worksheets with games such as Guess Who? Students will describe clothing items and another will guess who it is.

Interactive worksheets are fun and develops problem-solving skills and attention to details. They can be matching the word to the picture and word searches.

There is also a color and clothing word puzzles that includes drawing the item.

Worksheets can be used for homework as an independent practice to consolidate learning. Students will draw clothing items on the girl or boy worksheet and write a short paragraph. Students can draw, color and write about their favorite clothes.

draw, color and write about their favorite clothes. worksheet.

Review the parts of the body and say which clothes goes where.

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