3P's lessons plans

viernes, 18 de enero de 2019

Numbers 1 to 100 for ESL Learners

This blog post is to add up to my last post about numbers 1 to 20. Link: https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2018/02/teaching-numbers-1-to-20-to-esl-ellsefl.html
This is the link to this resource: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Numbers-1-to-100-for-ESL-Learners-4316217
or here: https://www.bilingualmarketplace.com/products/numbers-1-to-100-flashcards-and-more-for-esl?variant=14375483637809
                                     Watch the video of the complete resource:

Let’s start with the Number flashcards that I made with the words. 

And flashcards without words.

Use the fly swatter to play with the flashcards. or do this Speaking activity. Hand in a number flashcard to each student. At your signal have them order themselves. Then, have them take a step and say their number on the flashcard.
Student: I am number 85.

Counting Numbers by 10s. Place all the flashcards on the board. Say all the numbers and have the students notice what is common to almost all the numbers. TY-ending. Say a number and have a student come up front and touch the number and say the word.
Teacher: sixty, eighty, twenty!
Have the students write the numbers on their notebooks as they see on board.
Dictate numbers: 60, 40, 20, 50, 90, 10, 20,70, 100
Have the students learn about equations. Place the number 80 flashcard on the board, the add symbol, then number 10 flashcard and the equal symbol and the ninety flashcard. Read the equation. Make more examples for the students to read. They can also make more examples on their notebooks.

Place the following pair of flashcards on the board. Point to each pair and stress the difference between each.
Teacher: four-teen and for-ty
Say the teen number and the students the 10s number.
Teacher: sixteen!
Students: sixty!
Numbers and prepositions. Place 9 random flashcards on the board and ask questions.
Teacher: What number is on 10?
Students: 78
Teacher: What number is under 10?
Students: 63
Teacher: What numbers are next to 10?
Students: 26 and 32
The students can play the same game with their small cards.
100s chart with Number, Colors and Letters flashcards. I saw a similar idea on an old book and thought I could make one that can be used in the classroom and a small version for students to play in small groups. Place all the colors flashcards horizontally and the letters cards vertically and fill in with the numbers flashcards.
Teacher: F ! blue!
Students: 57!
Teacher: 88!
Students: I! green !

Place the people flashcards on the board. Ask questions.
Teacher: Who is number 46?
Students: Erick!
Teacher: Rick!
Students: 29!
Teacher: Is Mandy number 54 or 24?
Students: She is number 54.
Review There is structure. Place all the crayons flashcards on the board in random order.
Teacher: There is a yellow crayon! What number is it?
Students: It is number 24.
Have a volunteer student model the sentences and the class will answer.
Next blog post will be with games and worksheets to complete the resource. 

Follow me so you don't miss it.

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