3P's lessons plans

martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

Tailor to your English Language Classroom

 As we write the lesson plan for our specific learners we have to tailor the materials to the students that we have in front of us, to their specific needs, to their abilities and to where they are in their English abilities.

tailor the materials to the students

David Nunan "It has been realized that there never was and probably never will be a method for all, and the focus in recent years has been on the development of classroom tasks and activities which are consonant witn what we know about second language acquisition and which are also in keeping the dynamics of the classroom itself"

As a materials writer I keep in mind that each school year your students are completely different from the ones you had last year. I add different resources for different abilities for the Preschool and kindergarten students so you can choose the ones that you need. You can also adapt the materials to your specific group.

I suggest games, the more games that you have the better. Here are the ones available for the transportation unit. Print and have them available for each class. Games usually meet students to the stage they are at their language abilities. Adapt your games to your specific group, challenging them.
The text books for English Language Learners sometimes are short in Practice materials. I used to copy lots of extra worksheets and even made them to suit my students needs, even more for the younger students. I like to include review of previous units, such as numbers, shapes, colors and more.

I got hooked on printable books when I was teaching English to kindergarten in my hometwon, there weren't many English books available and the ones around we so expensive, so I used to include printables as much as I could and send them home to read with their parents. Here is one of the printable book from my resources.

Crafts for each unit. A good way to add fun to any group and to keep their interest. Some groups are so bored and a craft just changes the pace of the lesson.
The Holidays are always there to integrate culture to language. I have seen that the most celebrated Holiday in the English class around the world is Halloween. I love to do Halloween along with specific units.

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