Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta numbers. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta numbers. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 6 de agosto de 2023

Numbers 1 to 20 Worksheets for Elementary EFL

  This resource is part of the Numbers Unit 1 to 20 for Elementary English Language Learnes-Starters. 

 Right here:

Practice the number words in different ways with these worksheets. Review colors along the numbers 1 to 20. Deepen the knowledge of these numbers. students will develop numeracy by using the numerical and written form by listening to and writing the numbers as well. 

Making color and number association worksheets. Dictate a color for each number: Number eighteen is yellow.

Once the worksheet is done say several numbers in a sequence and have the students touch them and repeat: six, fifteen, twelve.

Students can identify the pattern in the teen numbers writing.

teen numbers writing worksheets

Students can cut the numbers and glue some of them onto the Bingo grids to play at any time in class. Call out the numbers using the small cards from this resource. Students put a marker on their grid as you call out their number. The fist student to cross out all the numbers on their grid has to shout BINGO!

Students should be able to recognize and count up to 20 by now. Ask questions: What color is number thirteen?
Students: yellow!

Number worksheets recognize and color 1 to 20

 I know that some teachers just have children with dyslexia in their English class. It is useful for you to have picture and text cards in hand such as mine. Have these students and the class in general use colors to highlight the number words and the numerals.

Questionnaire. Involve the class into asking What is your favorite number? and completing the worksheet.

 When asking the question, students are required to use the grammar structures correctly. Have the flashcards available for the students to choose from. Students can write more questions for further surveys.

Dice! Print and have your students put up the dice. Print the pages for a small group of students. They have to throw a color word dice and a number dice and see where it is on their set of worksheets and color accordingly.

School supplies and the numbers worksheet. Students will identify the classroom objects and the quantities. 

Work on the grammar rule of a or an before the students start the worksheet. Make sure that students know that they have to read the first part of a sentence and draw a line to the other part. You can make an example on the board if necessary. Students can check their work with a partner. This kind of worksheets gives your stduent the opportunity to meet the new vocabulary with the known one in a different context.

School supplies and the numbers worksheet

Students can make connections from the worksheet to their own situation. Present your students with this easy worksheet and the following: The classroom has many school objects that you have to count and write similar phrases. You can make this a group work. Aid your students with a school supply list of words that they already know. The focus is on recognition and quantity of the classroom supplies.

His or Her. Students will insert the missing his or her word. This is a controlled sentence construction activity.

This worksheet focus is on vocabulary. Students will write in the beginning letter the corresponding number. Then, ask which letter has the most words or numbers? Ask: What numbers start with a letter e?  and so on.

vocabulary worksheets 1 to 20

A crossword. Display your number flashcards or small cards and have students color the words they find. Ask them which numbers were missing.

And, there are more worksheets to use within the unit. Take a look!

Next part will be the Numbers 1 to 20 games.

See me on Social Media


sábado, 5 de agosto de 2023

Numbers 1 to 20 Small Cards for Elementary ESL

   This resource is part of the Numbers Unit 1 to 20 for Elementary English Language Learnes-Starters. Right here:

Students will feel a sense of progress and achievement as they move from learning the numbers 1 to 10 to the following set.

Numbers Small Cards to develop mathematical competence.

The small cards will aid to improve your students’ speaking and listening ability, it helps the very shy students.  These small cards will also motivate your students to participate in class. Include them in your lesson plan with some of the activities that you can find here. The small are great for your students but they are good for you, too.

Slap the Number card.

Have your students place all the Number small cards on a table. One student will be a caller of the number and the rest will slap the card. The first student to slap the correct card will win that card. You can also fold the word part of the card or simply cut it. Students will have fun as they use the new vocabualry to express their ideas.


I got encouraged to create a game that students could use over and over again. Print the x and o, along the title of the game. Glue onto a cardboard and draw the lines as in a 3x3 grid. Place the small cards with or without the captions. Play by teams or by pairs. When a student says a correct number, it will be replaced by a x or o. Keep on playing until a team or students makes a tic-tac-toe.

Another activity is Pass the CD envelope. I am sure that you might old CD case. I love that they are easy to load the small cards into and fun to take out. Place random small cards into the CDs envelopes. Play some music, the one that students love in English. Students start passing the envelope between them with the numbers face down. Stop the music and the students with the envelope have to take out a number card and say the word. If it is correct, that student makes a point for themselves. Continue until the envelopes are empty.

If your students are very young, a little counting will be fun. I recycled some fun foam pieces that I had around the house and glued them onto cardboard cards that I cut as the same size as the small cards. Students can do some number correspondence or matching with the cards. They can also play memory.

Next part will be the Numbers 1 to 20 worksheets.

See you on Social Media.


jueves, 3 de agosto de 2023

Numbers 1 to 20 Flashcards for Elementary English Language Learners

   This resource is part of the Numbers Unit 1 to 20 for Elementary English Language Learnes-Starters. Right here:

Numbers Flashcards to level up Language Acquisition.

As the students come to our class they have quite mastered Number Sense of 1 to 20. Teach your students the core vocabulary to count and write up to 20. Use the flashcards to have the students participate actively in class by answering questions about quantity.
 I created these flashcards to do mainly listening and speaking practice. The main objective will be that students recognize the numbers 1 to 20. 
Ask questions: What number is this?
Students: fifteen!
Teacher: Is this number twelve?
Students: Yes, it is!

Present the grammar structures using the visually appealing flashcards.

Make a grid on the board and write a number 1 to 20 in random order on any flashcard that you choose. Say a number and have the students say the item or say the item and students say the number.
Teacher: number sixteen!
Students: crayon!
Teacher: Is number nineteen a pencil or marker?
Students: a pencil!
Model sentences: Number 10 is a book.
Students: Number 20 is a pen!
Include colors in the next sentences: Number 16 is a green crayon.
Students: Number 13 is a pink eraser.
You can also model: There is a brown ruler.
Students: There is a purple marker.

Make a grid on the board  numbers 1 to 20 flashcards

Introduce the plural form of the words using numbers and school flashcards.Introduce the question words to ask about quantity: How many?

Ask: How many sharpeners are there? Let’s count, one, two, three, four, five. Five sharpeners!

 Emphasize the final S and write it with another color on the board.

the plural form of the words

Have the students count the classroom objects, such as chairs, tables, pencils or any other that you can think of.

Create a number series. Dictate the numbers and have the students write the numbers they listen on their notebooks. Then, put the flashcards on the board and have the students check if they wrote it right.

number 1 to 20 flashcards series

Write a number word chain on the board. Have the students circle the number words and place the number flashcards under each word.

number word chain

Order the flashcards from 1 to 20. Hand in the flashcards and have the students order them on the board. Or hand them in randomly one to each student and at your signal have them stand up and order themselves.
Order the flashcards from 1 to 20

Hand in all the flashcards in random order. At your signal, have the class line up with the correct number order. Then, they step forward and say the number they have on their flashcard.
Student: I’m number twelve.
Have the students help sort the flashcards into odd and even.
Teacher: Number 14 !
Student: Even!
Teacher: Say the odd numbers!
Students: one, three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, nineteen.
Teacher: What is the even number before 10?
Students: eight!
Teacher: What is the odd number after 17?
Students: eighteen!
Mix up all the cards, hand one to each student. Designate a place for the odd numbers and another for the even numbers. At your signal, the students stand and go to the designated area and stand in order. The first to it correctly wins!

sort the numbers 1 to 20 flashcards into odd and even

Have the students organize the flashcards on the board as skip counting by 2´s.
Teacher: Let´s skip count by 2´s.
Students: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20. ( Point as they say the number)
Do the same as skip counting by 5´s.

skip counting by 2´s.

I am/You are Number activity. Build in speaking practice for your students through your lesson plan.

Hand in the flashcards to all the students.
Teacher: I am Number 9. (Hold your flashcard and point to yourself)
Student: I am number 19.
Continue until everyone has introduced their number.
Teacher: You are Number 15.( Pointing to the student with the flashcard number 15)
Student: You are number 7.( Pointing to the student with the flashcard number 7, next to him/her.)
Teacher: who is Number 12 ?
Students: Mary !

I am/You are Number activity

Rote counting. Place all the flashcards on the board to help guide the students. Use the point finger to indicate where to start the rote counting.
Teacher: Let´s count back by 1´s starting at number 20.
Students: 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.
Teacher: Let´s count to 20 starting at number 7.
Students: 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,3,14,15,1,6,17,1,8,1,9,20.
Teacher: Let´s count back to number 6starting at number 19.

Rote counting

The school supplies flashcards are available here:

Next part will be the Numbers 1 to 20 small cards.

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lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Free Resources for the Elementary ELL

 I have several freebies for you! They are part of the permanent collection at the Teachers pay Teachers  store. There are other freebies that I post for only a few days, so take a look once you are there. LINK to the store:

freebies tpt

FREEBIE 1: This is an easy printable book for the early beginners.
Remember to leave a comment after you download the resource to get extra credits at the TPT store for when you want to make any purchase. Also leave comments for any other resource that you have downloaded either free or paid from any other seller in the store and grab your extra credits.

FREEBIE 2: This is a free resource for the Beach Unit. It comes with Beach Numbers 1 to 12 flashcards, and a printable sentence association game.

Freebie #3. As EFL Teachers we should have little Birthday Certificates to give away. Just print and fill them out ahead of time and ready to hand in throughout the school year. There is more to this free resource. Check out the blog post and follow the LINK!

Freebie #4. Community Helpers Flashcards in Spanish. I know that many teachers need flashcards in Spanish, which is my native language. I can make more upon request. LINK:
take a look!

Freebie # 5. There is a group of teachers that need Flashcards in Spanish. I made these available for FREE, but I will accept requests for any other theme of flashcards that you might need. Download your flashcards here:
Freebie # 6. Easy to print and put together Family Members Puppets. Here is the link to download the file.
Here is a closer look of the puppets.
Freebie # 7. Getting your students ready to write their name on worksheets, handouts or anything else. Here are 3 FREE worksheets to introduce the name. CLICK here:

Freebie #8. I made a new resource for the same Seasons unit and just put this one for FREE to use with your Elementary English Language Learners. 
It includes: Seasons Flashcards, Spelling Bingo, Tracer Book, Picture and words cards, worksheets,clothes book. Check the blog post:

Freebie #9. This is a short printable book for the end of the school year that wraps up the units worked on. Download it here for FREE:

Here is a video on the book.
Freebie #10. These simple like plates are great to sort the fruit likes or the food items likes. You can even use it for the pets likes or any other. I used paper plates and the cutouts. It is free!!!

Freebie #11.There are many spelling activities that you can do with the bottle caps. The template is for FREE.

Freebie #12. This is a resource that can go along your Birthday Unit. Just balloons! It includes: Number balloons Flashcards from 1 to 10, a Class Book and a Memory Game. All in black and White and colored versión.

Freebie #13. End of the school year props for pictures.

I will add more freebies to this list so check back often and also on social media. Follow me!!