3P's lessons plans

jueves, 31 de agosto de 2023

Face unit Flashcards for Elementary EFL

     This resource is included in the face unit for Elementary English Language Learners-Starters. The Foreign Language Experts can Click here:    https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Face-Unit-for-Elementary-English-Language-Learners-10106986

Foreign Language Experts

The flashcards apply for a range of activities to include the 4 skills such as listening/speaking and reading/writing, but not leaving behind grammar and vocaubulary.

Facial features, adjectives for physical description

Introduce the physical appearance vocabulary.

Show a face part flashcard and have the students touch that part of the face and say the word. Listening the action helps internalize the new language.

Teacher: Touch your mouth! (Show the flashcard ) 

Facial features, adjectives for physical description flashcards

Play sit down. Show a facial feature flashcard as you say a statement.
Teacher: If you have gray hair, sit down! (Obviously no one will sit down)
If you have green eyes, sit down.
If you long red hair, sit down.
Continue with all the hair color /length and eyes. The winners will be the last one standing. Have the students say why they are the winners.
Students: He/she has short blonde hair and blue eyes

adjectives to describe a face flashcards

Critical thinking is in use when students will analyse the flashcards using adjectives of hair. Practice the question word: What color?

Ask questions: What color is her hair?
Students: red!
Teacher: Does she have brown hair?
Students: Yes, she does.
Teacher: Does Tom have gray hair?
Students: No, he doesn’t.
Teacher: Who has blonde hair?
Students: Luca.

people flashcards and sort them by hair color

Discuss about hair length order. Sort the hair flashcard by short and long.

Ask questions:
Teacher: Who has long hair?
Students: Sophia, Olivia, Emma and Amelia.
Teacher: Who has short hair?
Students: Owen.
Ask questions using color and length: Who has short blond hair?
Students: Ava.
Have your students describe themselves: I have long brown hair. Ask questions about their physical appearance.

Discuss about hair length flashcards

You can continue working on this for more speaking practice with your students to gain confidence using the adjective order describing hair. 

Hand in the people mat to each student or group of students. Place it inside a clear plastic sheet for your students to check or write on it and erase it easily.
Describe a person and have the students guess the person and cross out on the mat: He has short black hair.
Students: Tom!
Have your students describe another person for the class to guess: She has long red hair!
students: Emma!
Then, students can play in pairs or small groups.

esl appearance flashcards

Play a little more with your students with these fun crazy hair flashcards. Kids have weird hairdo and colors. Say a sentence and students have to say the number of that person.

Teacher: She has purple hair!
Students: She’s number seven!
Say it backwards: Number twelve!
Teacher: He has orange hair.

fun crazy hair flashcards

Use the flashcards to graph from the color and length of the hair of the people in class and even more. Place them on the board and ask questions:
Who has black long hair?
Students: Olivia and Leny.

graph from the color and length of the hair of the people with flashcards

It can be graphing the curly and straight hair. Have the students come and stand under each flashcard and say how they look: I have straight hair.

graphing the curly and straight hair flashcards

And don’t miss graphing the eye color. Students will use the adjectives of colors.

Graphing eye color flashcards

Next part will be the Face Unit small cards.

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domingo, 13 de agosto de 2023

Numbers 1 to 20 Printable book for Elementary EFL

This ELD teacher resource is part of the teaching Numbers Unit 1 to 20 for ESL-Starters.  Right here:   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Numbers-1-to-20-for-Elementary-EFL-3640162

teaching Numbers Unit 1 to 20 for ESL resource

For this unit I planned a fan book. It will review  and expand the unit theme. It could be a final assessment as part of the wap up of the 3P lesson plan.

Just print the templates, hand it in to each child or a group, depends on your lesson plan. They have to color the number and write the word. They can use the small cards or the flashcards to make sure they wrote it right.

Then, students will cut all the cards, punch a hole and put a book ring or just yarn.

Students can keep it with them or in the classroom for whenever they have to write numbers and need like a picture dictionary.  Take a look!

Holidays are also added to this resource. Please check here:   https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2025/02/numbers-1-to-20-valentines-day.html

sábado, 12 de agosto de 2023

Numbers 1 to 20 Games and Activities for Elementary EFL

   This English as a new language teacher resource is part of the Numbers Unit 1 to 20 for Elementary English Language Learnes-Starters. Right here:   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Numbers-1-to-20-for-Elementary-EFL-3640162

English as a new language teacher resource

Numbers 1 to 20 games and activities

Get creative into teaching this unit to your learners. Get them involved into play and explore many possibilities with their imagination within each game. It's so useful to have enjoyable and motivating extra activities to plan for your students. Find suggestions for your warm up and wrap up activities. lastly, the values of tolerenace and respect will be encouraged during play time.Find a rich array of fun games to support all learners. The games are also useful for testing knowledge.

Here is a printable board game to use with small groups of students. There is a colored version and a black and white that the students can color as they wish. The game can help consolidate the new number words.

printable board game  numbers 1 to 20

Lots of small cards to play a matching pair of numbers and picture, or memory to recognize the numbers in print and numeral.  It’s a co-operative kind of game working together to match all the cards.

recognize the numbers in print and numeral

There is even more matching and counting the pencils in each cup to match to the numeral and the word.

A worksheet to wrap up counting the pencils and reviewing the colors at the same time. Do some listening as you dictate the colors of each number:

Number one is pink!

Then, students fill in the color word in each sentence.

Use the cards above to play this motivating spelling bingo game. Students will write any numbers from 1 to 20 on the blank lines. Use the cards to call out the numbers.

Use the small cards to play the automatic number. Hand in either the number word card or the numeral to each student. They stand in a circle with their card and not showing it. The students with number one says: one! the student with the number two, says: two! And so on. They can repeat but in a faster and automatic way. You can vary by handing in two cards instead of one to make it more difficult.

A little writing the number words with these colorful letters. Have the students find the letters and write the words corresponding to each number from 1 to 20. It will be an enjoyable task to complete, either individually or in a group as a collaborative learning experience.

writing the number words printable

Write descriptive sentences. Hand in the blank worksheet and the small cards with words to create sentences. You can write even more words on the blank cards provided.  Each student will make a sentence or phrase and draw on the square to illustrate. Students can compare their work.

Next part will be the Numbers 1 to 20 games.

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domingo, 6 de agosto de 2023

Numbers 1 to 20 Worksheets for Elementary EFL

  This English as an Additional Language (ENL) teacher resource is part of the Numbers Unit 1 to 20 for Elementary English Language Learnes-Starters. 

 Right here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Numbers-1-to-20-for-Elementary-EFL-3640162

English as an Additional Language (ENL) teacher resource

Practice the number words in different ways with these worksheets. Review colors along the numbers 1 to 20. Deepen the knowledge of these numbers. students will develop numeracy by using the numerical and written form by listening to and writing the numbers as well. 

Making color and number association worksheets. Dictate a color for each number: Number eighteen is yellow.

Once the worksheet is done say several numbers in a sequence and have the students touch them and repeat: six, fifteen, twelve.

Students can identify the pattern in the teen numbers writing.

teen numbers writing worksheets

Students can cut the numbers and glue some of them onto the Bingo grids to play at any time in class. Call out the numbers using the small cards from this resource. Students put a marker on their grid as you call out their number. The fist student to cross out all the numbers on their grid has to shout BINGO!

Students should be able to recognize and count up to 20 by now. Ask questions: What color is number thirteen?
Students: yellow!

Number worksheets recognize and color 1 to 20

 I know that some teachers just have children with dyslexia in their English class. It is useful for you to have picture and text cards in hand such as mine. Have these students and the class in general use colors to highlight the number words and the numerals.

Questionnaire. Involve the class into asking What is your favorite number? and completing the worksheet.

 When asking the question, students are required to use the grammar structures correctly. Have the flashcards available for the students to choose from. Students can write more questions for further surveys.

Dice! Print and have your students put up the dice. Print the pages for a small group of students. They have to throw a color word dice and a number dice and see where it is on their set of worksheets and color accordingly.

School supplies and the numbers worksheet. Students will identify the classroom objects and the quantities. 

Work on the grammar rule of a or an before the students start the worksheet. Make sure that students know that they have to read the first part of a sentence and draw a line to the other part. You can make an example on the board if necessary. Students can check their work with a partner. This kind of worksheets gives your stduent the opportunity to meet the new vocabulary with the known one in a different context.

School supplies and the numbers worksheet

Students can make connections from the worksheet to their own situation. Present your students with this easy worksheet and the following: The classroom has many school objects that you have to count and write similar phrases. You can make this a group work. Aid your students with a school supply list of words that they already know. The focus is on recognition and quantity of the classroom supplies.

His or Her. Students will insert the missing his or her word. This is a controlled sentence construction activity.

This worksheet focus is on vocabulary. Students will write in the beginning letter the corresponding number. Then, ask which letter has the most words or numbers? Ask: What numbers start with a letter e?  and so on.

vocabulary worksheets 1 to 20

A crossword. Display your number flashcards or small cards and have students color the words they find. Ask them which numbers were missing.

And, there are more worksheets to use within the unit. Take a look!

There is a Halloween section added to this resource. Go see it:   https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2024/09/numbers-1-to-20-halloween-eyeballs-for.html

Next part will be the Numbers 1 to 20 games.

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