3P's lessons plans

sábado, 23 de julio de 2022

Teachers are artists and scientists!

      Teachers are basically artists that know a science in a classroom!

Here I am standing in front a beautiful picture in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. I can't paint a thing, I am no artist at all. But, in my classroom, I sure was an artist, I created so many thing for my students to reach to them, to engage them to learn a new language. My youngest student ever was a 2 year and 9 nine month old child and my oldest was well over 60 years old.

Elementary English resources

You are an artist in your classroom! I did this blog post just to remind you that you are a unique teacher artist with all the science of teaching that you have learned and have as experience. 

Create the best piece of art everyday with your lesson plan. I am here to help with materials, resources and ideas for your masterpiece.

You can chat with me using the chat button available at the blog on the right side.

If your students are in the early childhood level, here is my other blog: 


miércoles, 13 de julio de 2022

Interactive Learning for Kindergarten English Language Learners

 Interactive Learning for Kindergarten English Language Learners

"it’s actually a pedagogical technique with a fairly simple definition. The interactive approach to any given lesson plan encourages students to interact with each other and with the subject matter."                  According to:  https://www.theclassroom.com/

How interactive are your lessons with the young learners? I know it requires a lot of planning, lots of games and activities for all the stages of your lesson plan.

Students love to play games, it takes away the pressure, they interact with their peers in a fun classroom that they love to return to. As for games for the kindergarten ELL, I love bingo, domino, puzzles, card games, board games. Here is 

Some countries don't have easy access to books in English, and if they are available, they expensive or they don't relate to the unit. I always create a book for each unit. The books can be sent home to read with their parents. The books can be created in groups, like this one.

Focus on student participation when writing your lesson plan. It's better to have lots of activities for pair work or group work and games for every step in the way you deliver your lesson. Check my blog for Kindergarten teachers to check on ideas for teaching with flashcards, small cards, cutouts, worksheets and more.

                                    Link to the blog:             https://eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com/

There is a chat button and use it to ask for anything you need.

All the resources are here at my TPT store: