Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pets. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta pets. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 8 de enero de 2024

Pets Unit Worksheets for Elementary ELL

This resource is part of the pets unit for Elementary English Languge learners-Starters.    LINK:

The worksheets were designed with lovely visuals and fun tasks. They will capture your student’s attention and enjoy working on them.

Here is a video with all the worksheets in the resource.

Students will describe in long sentences their favorite pet that they have drawn on the worksheet. My cat has blue eyes and a small nose. Ask questions as your students show you their animal: What is it? What color is it?

favorite pet worksheet

Learning to use adjectives to describe pets will contribute to the student’s vocabulary expansion and gives a more varied language repertoire to use. I am focusing on long and short basically.Students will identify pets by their tails. If there is another adjective that you would like in the worksheet, let me know.

adjectives to describe pets worksheets

This is more of a short reading comprehension worksheet. It comes with a short text that students will read and comprehend in order to complete the task. Students will answer to the question: What color is it?

What color is it? pets worksheets

Here is another reading comprehension worksheet.

Another worksheet to reinforce numbers 1 to 20 using frogs. Start by dictating the color of each number and have the students write the number word. A worksheet to use for logical mathematical competence.

logical mathematical competence. numbers 1 to 20 worksheet

Then, as an extension activity have the stduents cut the cards and glue then in an extra paper in numerical order. They have to write the missing numbers of the sequence.

Be fancy and provide each student with a clipboard, pencil, and the questionnaire worksheet. After the writing all the answers, gather the students in different groups to share their findings and discuss the results. 

Reading comprehension worksheets provide your students to a wide exposure of sentence structures, contributing to language acquisition. Here is the selection. And there are lot more worksheets to plan structured practice for your learners. 

Check the video: 

Worksheets to work on grammar points.

A worksheet can be as simple as completing it or turning it to a booklet and then a speaking or writing activity.

Check the speaking part:

I have this kind of worksheet in every unit. I think it is fun to draw the item using the word.My drawings are not the ebst, I guess that your students would do a better job and I would love to see it.


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domingo, 7 de enero de 2024

Pets Unit Small cards for Elementary ELL

This resource is part of the pets unit for Elementary English Languge learners-Starters.    LINK:

I always have small cards in all the resources because they are easy to carry around and can be used inside or outdoors. Students can use them anytime. These offer a clear support for the lesson plan. They can be used for the presentation of the key vocabulary.

Use these to introduce animal vocabulary.

Introduce the verb to have in interrogative, affirmative and negative answers.

Hand in all the pets unit small cards to the students and ask questions: What do you have?
Student: I have a dog.

pets unit small cards

Teacher: Do you have a cat?
Student: Yes, I do.

Do you have a fish?
Student: No, I don’t.

Students can describe the pet on the small cards.
Look, I have a mouse!

describe the pet

Have your students develop their self-expression through movement using their body and/or mime as you show the small cards. Check how the students will reproduce animal movements maybe even using the sounds the pets make.
Teacher: Move like a fish!

Display the pet unit small cards and the word strips all mixed up on the board, a volunteer matches the picture to the written word.

Show all the flashcards, both pictures and word cards. Give nine children the words and bring them to the front of the class. Then, hand out the pictures around the class. The children with the pictures do not let the children with the words see their flashcard. The children with the words then have to find which children have the picture that corresponds to it by asking: Do you have a mouse?

Students can do sorting of the small cards on their own. Use the cards to review vocabulary related to the parts of the body of the pets.

Hand in several white boards with the sorting phrases written on each. It can be the size of the ears: big ears and small ears.

size of the ears: big ears and small ears.

 Sort the pets with 2 legs and 4 legs!

Sort the pets with 2 legs and 4 legs!

Create your own grid for the tic tac toe game. Draw a grid on a piece of cardboard of 9 spaces arranged in 3x3.

grid for the tic tac toe game pets unit

Sort the size of the tails: big or small/long or short.

Sort the size of the tails: big or small/long or short.

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lunes, 1 de enero de 2024

Pets Unit Flashcards for Elementary ELL

his resource is part of the pets unit for Elementary English Languge learners-Starters.    LINK:

Pets Unit Flashcards

Take a look of all the flashcards included in the resource to create an effective lesson plan. Use these to develop linguistic competence to have your students communicate verbally to describe pets.

Use the flashcards to introduce the pets vocabulary and have the stduents understand the names of the animals.

Use the pets unit flashcards to ask yes/ no questions: Is this a dog?
Students: Yes, it is!
Is this a frog?
Students: No, it isn’t.
Use the flashcards to ask about colors: What color is this cat?
Students: It’s orange! (make a color splotch next to the cat)
Have students make sentences: This cat is white.

Pets Unit Flashcards

Let’s count the pets on the board: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight pets!!
Ask more questions: What’s number three?
Students: it’s a rabbit!

Make a grid on the board. Say a number and letter combination for a student and have that person say what it is.
Teacher: 2C
Student: snake!

Use adjectives to help students describe the pets. Here is an example with a cat labeling to the parts of the body.

labeling to the parts of the body.

Students will talk about possession: Who has a rabbit?
Students: Ann!
Model sentences to express possession: Bob has a fish.

Students will contrast and compare the physical appearance of the pets. Review the parts of body words if you have already taught that unit. You can choose the ears. Model sentences: The brown rabbit has long ears.

By using adjectives, students will express themselves wih more detail.the physical appearance of the pets flashcards

Contrast the length of the tail. Ask questions: Which pets have short tails?
Students: rabbit, dog, fish, hamster.

Use the flashcards to introduce or review even more body parts: wings, legs, head, body, eyes, whiskers, nose, mouth.
Ask questions: Which animal has wings?
Students: birds!

body parts pets flashcards

Introduce how to indicate position using the prepositions of place: in, on.

Place the fish and the fish bowl flashcards on the board. Write the word IN. mimic that the fish goes into the fish bowl, draw the arrow and say the sentence: The fish is IN the fish bowl.

Have the students say a sentence with the dog: The dog is in the dog house.

position using the prepositions of place: in, on flashcards

Do the same with the location word on. Ask questions: Where is the dog?
Students: It’s on the dog bed.

Students will express preference using the adjective favorite.Place the flashcards on the board and ask: What’s your favorite pet? Graph!

What’s your favorite pet? Graph!

Students can use their worksheet to graph the results from the class and write it down.

Play a guessing game with your students. Hold a pet flashcard without showing it to your students. Describe it: This pet doesn’t have wings. It doesn’t have whiskers.  It has four legs. It has a tail.

Students will start guessing. The one that guesses correctly: dog! Will win the card. Continue with more cards.

Play a guessing game pets unit

Next blog post will be on the pet unit small cards. Just follow the blog:

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018

More farm unit activities for Elementary ELL

And here is the second part of the farm theme. It will be all in a single product. Link: 

Contrast the pet and farm animals. Display the barn cutouts and the house cutouts on the board.
Teacher: What is this ?
Students: It is the barn.
Teacher: What is this ?
Students: It is the house.
Tell them to come to the front and place the animals where they belong.
Teacher: This is the cow. It lives in the farm.
Students: This is a dog. It lives in a house.
Say an animal and students say pet or farm:
Teacher: Hen!
Students: farm!
Give the students the animals to sort out on their desks into farm animals and pets.

Then, name four animals and have the students put them in the same order on their desks.
Teacher: rooster, goat, turtle, cow.
Have the students sort the pets and the farm animals on the worksheets. Glue them in place and then trace all the vocabulary words.
Teacher: What color is the goat?
Students: It´s gray.
Teacher: orange!
Students: the cat and the fish.

And with the worksheets, there is always something else that we do with them, what about a board game. I grabbed a file folder. Cut all the animals into squares, glued them into a path. And that´s a worksheet that has another use after it is doneI included the farmers and the all the game board pieces.

Baby animals. Display the adult animals flashcards on one side of the board and the baby animals on the other side.

Hand in all the animals flashcards in random order. At your signal have them run and find their match as mother and baby.
Teacher: mother! And the students who have the Mother farm animals show their animal. Do the same with baby.

I created snapshots! Students color all the animals and trace the words. Then, cut and paste the animals where they belong. Cut all the snapshots into pictures and have them match each mother with it´s baby. They can also join two snapshots(mother and baby) using chenille. I placed my matches in a pocket chart.

Or make a long chain of mother and baby using chenille. Or make a snapshot book ring.

Farm animals body. Place the hen flashcard on the board. (LABELING)
Teacher: What animal is this?
Students: It´s a hen.

Point to the mouth.
Teacher: What is this ?
Students: It´s the mouth.
Continue with all the known body parts and write them as the students say the word. Then go with the unknown words.
Teacher: Look, this is the wing. How many wings does a hen have?
Students: two wings.
Students can sort with you the legs of all the animals. Write two legs and four legs on the board. Place the animals where they belong.
Teacher: cow!
Students: four legs!

Give each group a poster board and an animal cutout. Have them label the body parts. Place them on a designated wall in the classroom or make a book.
Give a cutout to each student. Name a body part. The student with the animal that has the body part mentioned has to stand up and show his/her animal.
Teacher: beak! (students stand up with their cutout)
Place the missing body animals cutouts on the board. Ask the students.
Teacher: This is the horse. What´s missing?
Students: The tail!
Draw the tail. Continue with the rest of the animals.
Play the game Guess who ? with the flashcards.
Teacher: It´s pink. It´s small.oink!
Students: the pig !
Teacher: NO!
Students: The piglet!
Teacher: YES!

Label the parts of the body. I used letters from old magazines.

What do farm animals give. Here´s my list:
Place the farm animal flashcards on the board and create a mind map by placing each animal's produce under each arrow.
Teacher:   COW!
Students: milk.

I made this printable accordion book. It can be done an animal per book or join all the animals.

Farm animals eat!
Farm animals eat! flashcards activity

I added matching cards for the farm animal and the food that animal eats.
Farm animals eat! matching cards

Animal positions. Use the cutouts. Place your cutouts around the barn and start asking questions.
Teacher: What´s is this?
Students: the horse!
Teacher: Where is the horse?
Students: It´s in the barn.

I added trees, fence, silo to complete the farm scene.
Students will color the worksheets and make a 3D farm scene.
Teacher: The pig is pink. (Continue with more animals)
Have the students make the scene using toilet paper rolls and clips or play dough.

Give directions for placing the animals or farm parts.
Teacher: The tractor is in front of the barn.
 Or have the students give directions.
Farm animals preposi

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