3P's lessons plans

lunes, 1 de enero de 2024

Pets Unit Flashcards for Elementary ELL

This ELA teacher resource is part of the pets unit for Elementary English Languge learners-Starters.    LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Pets-Unit-for-Elementary-ELL-Starters-10780015

ELA teacher

Pets Unit Flashcards

Take a look of all the flashcards included in the resource to create an effective lesson plan. Use these to develop linguistic competence to have your students communicate verbally to describe pets.

Use the flashcards to introduce the pets vocabulary and have the stduents understand the names of the animals.

Use the pets unit flashcards to ask yes/ no questions: Is this a dog?
Students: Yes, it is!
Is this a frog?
Students: No, it isn’t.
Use the flashcards to ask about colors: What color is this cat?
Students: It’s orange! (make a color splotch next to the cat)
Have students make sentences: This cat is white.

Pets Unit Flashcards

Let’s count the pets on the board: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight pets!!
Ask more questions: What’s number three?
Students: it’s a rabbit!

Make a grid on the board. Say a number and letter combination for a student and have that person say what it is.
Teacher: 2C
Student: snake!

Use adjectives to help students describe the pets. Here is an example with a cat labeling to the parts of the body.

labeling to the parts of the body.

Students will talk about possession: Who has a rabbit?
Students: Ann!
Model sentences to express possession: Bob has a fish.

Students will contrast and compare the physical appearance of the pets. Review the parts of body words if you have already taught that unit. You can choose the ears. Model sentences: The brown rabbit has long ears.

By using adjectives, students will express themselves wih more detail.the physical appearance of the pets flashcards

Contrast the length of the tail. Ask questions: Which pets have short tails?
Students: rabbit, dog, fish, hamster.

Use the flashcards to introduce or review even more body parts: wings, legs, head, body, eyes, whiskers, nose, mouth.
Ask questions: Which animal has wings?
Students: birds!

body parts pets flashcards

Introduce how to indicate position using the prepositions of place: in, on.

Place the fish and the fish bowl flashcards on the board. Write the word IN. mimic that the fish goes into the fish bowl, draw the arrow and say the sentence: The fish is IN the fish bowl.

Have the students say a sentence with the dog: The dog is in the dog house.

position using the prepositions of place: in, on flashcards

Do the same with the location word on. Ask questions: Where is the dog?
Students: It’s on the dog bed.

Students will express preference using the adjective favorite.Place the flashcards on the board and ask: What’s your favorite pet? Graph!

What’s your favorite pet? Graph!

Students can use their worksheet to graph the results from the class and write it down.

Play a guessing game with your students. Hold a pet flashcard without showing it to your students. Describe it: This pet doesn’t have wings. It doesn’t have whiskers.  It has four legs. It has a tail.

Students will start guessing. The one that guesses correctly: dog! Will win the card. Continue with more cards.

Play a guessing game pets unit

Next blog post will be on the pet unit small cards. Just follow the blog: https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/

1 comentario:

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