The classroom commands flashcards have been a best seller in the TPT store. Use them to relieve your stress by having to translate. Don't be overwhelmed.Here is a link to the resource to improve your classroom communication. Useful for school counselors.
This set is for the younger learners. The cards come in the letter size for in a classroom setting and small cards, four in one page, for distance teaching. Many teachers display them as rules for their students.
Activity 1. Miming.Give instructions to the class and have them mime the command. Start with the listen flashcard. The students can touch their ear as they say listen! There are a lot more flashcards that you can use for miming.
Activity 2. Simon Says. I am sure that you know the famous game. Play it
using the flashcards if you need to.
Activity 3. Scrambled words on the board. If you are doing distance teaching use a small board and write a command in a jumbled order and have the students unscramble it and write it down on a piece of paper and show it to you or shout the command. Then show the flashcard to confirm or not the answer.
Teacher: aeeprt
Activity 4. The robot. This is another famous game. Each student will be
a robot that will follow the command given by you or a student. They can’t
speak, just follow the command. After you say the command word, wait a few
seconds and show the flashcard so the students that didn’t understand can do
the command action.
CREATE puppets for easy directions to your class.
You can cut the picture and the word and glue it onto a craft stick.
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