This resource is included in Toys Unit for Elementary English Language learners-Starters found at this LINK:
A resource for any English Teacher in the Primary Classroom.

Worksheets can be used for differentiationand provide extra practice.
Tailor to meet the needs of each student in class with this variety of
worksheets. The worksheets can challenge and support all your learners during
your practice part of the lesson plan.
There is a set of toys unit vocabulary
words that will allow your students to practice and reinforce the new content. Here
is one with words for the students to draw around them to give meaning. Drawing
help to deepen the understanding of the new words. It requires critical
thinking as to how to represent it visually.
More repetition as students write all
the words into the letter shapes that the words start with. This process
enhances comprehension and reinforcement of vocabulary retention. Send it for homework.
Read and match worksheet. Basically, a
reading comprehension worksheet to exercise critical thinking to analyze the incomplete
words and make a connection.
Have the students write the names of
toys to help them remember the vocabulary they’ve learned.
Use this set of worksheets to establish
a connection between the spoken and written Language.
the word search worksheet for the practice of recognizing toy names in a sea of
letters, which reinforces visual recognition of vocabulary words. Learners will
scan for the toys words as a way to enhance the students’ focus and attention
to detail.
Worksheets for the students to
complete sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct toy name. Find
worksheets to practice forming and answering questions about toys.
Read-and-color worksheets often use
simple sentences, which help ELLs practice reading comprehension. They need to
understand what they read in order to color the correct items. These will promote higher thinking skills in
your learners.
Expand the worksheet to other themes.
Have the students cut the teddy bear and glue onto their notebooks or paper and
label the parts of the face.
Reviewing a robot family allows
students to simultaneously reinforce toy-related vocabulary and introduce or
review family-related terms (mother, brother, etc).
Check this blog post with more on the
robot family:
By relating toys to a house setting,
students can see how vocabulary and language structures are used in everyday
contexts, as they draw the toys in the rooms of the house.
The face and toys worksheets include
activities like matching, answering, and coloring to cater to kinesthetic
learners who benefit from hands-on activities.
Review the numbers 1 to 10 and the
teen numbers with the robots.
More worksheets to Revisit the numbers
1 to 20 across multiple worksheets to reinforce through repetition.
Associating the colors written word
with an image can serve as a memory aid.
Puzzle people worksheets are fun!
There are several worksheets for answering questions using grammar knowledge.

Choose from more grammar worksheets!
The favorite toy worksheet can lead to a speaking activity. When all the worksheets are done, have the children walk around and find another student or group of students with the same favorite toy. Then, graph the results.
Teacher: How many trains are the favorite ?
Students: five!
The favorite toy worksheet can lead to
a speaking activity. They will draw their favorite toy and write a short text.
When all the worksheets are done, have the children walk around and find
another student or group of students with the same favorite toy. Stand
together. Then, graph the results.
Teacher: How many trains are the
Students: two!
Questionnaires are a very
effective instructional tools to have your students communicate. Encourage them to survey classmates even the shy ones.
Find more activities
and resources for the toys unit at my other blog.