3P's lessons plans

jueves, 6 de julio de 2023

School Unit Flashcards for Elementary English Language Learners

This ENL teacher resource is included in the School Unit for Elementary English Language Learners-Starters:    https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/School-Theme-for-Elementary-ESL-1707072

ENL teacher resource

School Unit Flashcards

Students will Identify and name classroom items using the school unit flashcards.

Use the flashcards to teach the new words. Have your students talk about classroom objects. Develop fluency with interactions with the flashcards and the students. 

Have your students repeat after you show them the card. Tell them to find an object that is the same to the flashcard and show it to you as they name it.
Teacher: pencil!
Students: here! Pencil!

Introduce the target language and structure using the flashcards: What’s this? /It’s a __.
Hand in a flashcard to each student and have them ask using the  question words: What is this? to the class.

School Unit Flashcards

No statements. Say a wrong sentence on purpose when you show a flashcard. Students will say NO! and the right sentence. Teacher: It’s a book! Students: NO! It’ s a crayon.

Ask to be questions and get short answers.

Ask Is this a pencil? Yes, it is. (Have your students put their thumbs up)
No, it isn’t (students put their thumbs down)
There is this set of flashcards for you or your students to use for yes or no.

Ask to be questions and get short answers.

Mime. Tell your students to mime each school word.   Show a flashcard as students identify the classroom object and use the new classroom supplies heard.

Teacher: What is this?
Students: pencil! (mime writing with a real or imaginary pencil)
Use this set of flashcards to ask about colors.
Teacher: What color is the glue?
Students: blue!
Teacher: It’s blue glue.

colors school Flashcards

Attach the school objects flashcards on the board and draw a grid around them. Drill all the words as you point to them. Name a letter number combination and the students will say the word.
Teacher: A2!
Students: sharpener!
Teacher: What color is the sharpener?
Students: orange.

School unit flashcards grid

Here is a set of pens in different colors to just review and drill: What color is the pen?

Have your students sort all the cards by color on the board or on a table. There is a flashcard in every color.

If you like this set, I do have more like these here: https://eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com/2020/08/school-theme-for-kindergarten-holistic.html

You can do a very extensive sorting with the school items in each color.

Introduce his and her using these children flashcards holding a school item. Students should identify possession.Divide the board into his and her to place each flashcard.
Ask questions:
Teacher: What is this?
Students: It’s a ruler.
Teacher: Whose ruler is this?
Students: It’s Tom’s.
Teacher: It’s his ruler.
Continue with more examples.

his and her using these children flashcards

There is a set of worksheets to review this grammar concept.

Whose? Show a flashcard and introduce: Whose pencil is this?
Students: It’s Zoe’s!


Extra Activity. Place several flashcards on the board and have the sudunts come up and label the school item that each child has.

There is a worksheet to complement the grammar structure.  Use the flashcards for the students to write more questions and answers using the worksheet as a model on their notebooks.

Another set of flashcards to use his or her/ Whose. Example: Who is this?
Students: Luke.
Teacher: What is this?
Students: a crayon.
Teacher: What color is the crayon?
Students: yellow.
Teacher: Oh! Luke’s crayon is yellow.
Teacher: Whose blue crayon is this?
Students: It’s Jo’s.
Teacher: Is Abby’s crayon pink?
Students: Yes!

Wrap up activity: Close the class by having them out away the objects that you show with your flashcards.

Teacher: Put away the sharpener! The students that put away the sharpener can line up to leave or just go. Keep going until you dismiss the class. You can add color to what the they have to put way. Teacher: Put away the yellow pencils!

  School Unit Small Cards

All the flashcards come in a smaller format.
Group drawing activity. Hand in small pieces of paper to your students. Students will start drawing the word that you say, show the small card just in case. When you say, STOP, students will give their piece of paper to the students next to him/her to continue drawing. And then when you say STOP again, they have to turn in the paper and have them write the word. Students will laugh when they see the complete drawing. They can stand up and show their drawing to the class and say what it is:  It’s a ruler.

School unit small cards

Love this simple and interactive game.  Use it to help reinforce the new vocabulary, as in my example, the school unit words.

Print all the small cards from the unit and the templates for the tic tac toe, all X and O. Play continues until one student or team gets three marks in a row wither horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Students can play multiple rounds by changing the small cards with the school items to new words.

Practice spelling with the letters included in the resource.

Next blog post will focus on the School Unit Worksheets included in the resource available at the TPT store. Take a look.   https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2023/07/school-unit-worksheets-for-elementary.html

This is my Instagram Account! You can DM there.     https://www.instagram.com/rosamelia_eslteacher/

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