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There's a wide variety of methods for teaching adults that teachers use for teaching the little ones. The knowledge of some of them or all become part of your teaching repertoire. Trying out some practices is part of your lesson plan, some will totally fail and some will be very sucessful with the kindergarteners. Use the metods, techiniques and best practices that are suitable for your specific group that you are teaching. In the end, you are making the decision of what is the best for your class based on your knowledge, your experience.
Experiment with different materials and resources with your early childhood students. I know, it's hard! That's why I have a variety of resources. I never went into a preschool class without a big bag of games, flashcards and more.
So, remember you are the expert, pick what is right for your kindergarten class.
· Check my STORE: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Holistic-English-Resources-By-Rosa-Amelia
· Follow me on Pinterest! https://www.pinterest.com/ei98srl
As a teacher of Kindergarten English Language Learners you are up to make the decisions of how, what and more when planning the lesson for your students. I am sure that you are choosing nothing but the best. Here are a few reflections.
1. Expose students to language as muchas you can. Use books in English. If you can, starting a library for your classroom or academy would be great. Prices can escalate when the school is not in an English speaking country. I created a book for each unit just because of that. It's a book that they can make by themselves, take home and read with the parents and you shouldn't be too worried if it's going to get lost and more. Videos are great. I had a collection of videos, such as Muzzy!, Disney and any other that I could buy. Now, you can find lovely videos on youtube to show in class and recommend to parents.
Here is an example of the family printable book.
Teachers are basically artists that know a science in a classroom!
Here I am standing in front a beautiful picture in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. I can't paint a thing, I am no artist at all. But, in my classroom, I sure was an artist, I created so many thing for my students to reach to them, to engage them to learn a new language. My youngest student ever was a 2 year and 9 nine month old child and my oldest was well over 60 years old.
Create the best piece of art everyday with your lesson plan. I am here to help with materials, resources and ideas for your masterpiece.
You can chat with me using the chat button available at the blog on the right side.
If your students are in the early childhood level, here is my other blog:
Interactive Learning for Kindergarten English Language Learners
"it’s actually a pedagogical technique with a fairly simple definition. The interactive approach to any given lesson plan encourages students to interact with each other and with the subject matter." According to: https://www.theclassroom.com/
How interactive are your lessons with the young learners? I know it requires a lot of planning, lots of games and activities for all the stages of your lesson plan.
Students love to play games, it takes away the pressure, they interact with their peers in a fun classroom that they love to return to. As for games for the kindergarten ELL, I love bingo, domino, puzzles, card games, board games. Here is
Some countries don't have easy access to books in English, and if they are available, they expensive or they don't relate to the unit. I always create a book for each unit. The books can be sent home to read with their parents. The books can be created in groups, like this one.
Link to the blog: https://eflpreschoolteachers.blogspot.com/
"Student-centered learning, also known as learner-centered education, broadly encompasses methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student". Wikipedia
Students are the focus of our lesson plan.
Hands on activities for reviewing the unit is a lot more fun than just watching a video over and over again. I always have several games available for each unit to give students the chance to pick ones they want to play as the wrap of the lesson.
For example, for the Circus unit here are four games that students can play alone or with a partner. Just walk around and give guidance.
learn at their own pace, give them time to acquire the new language. Give
multiple opportunities to learn with different materials with active
Some students might want to do even more with the animal’s
face and cut it up. There is space for students that are more advanced in the
same classroom and would like to do more things. I am just providing an example.
Engage students into projects or crafts to enhance creativity. Students can color or design the clothes to put on each character. They get to choose the color of each clothing and how they want to dress them.
STORE: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Holistic-English-Resources-By-Rosa-Amelia
"Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach (CA) , is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study." Definition by Wikipedia.
There is a lot of information on this approach for teaching adults but almost none for teaching early childhood as a second language (ESL) or a foreign language (EFL). That leaves us to adapt the approach to the young learners that we have in class. Our mail goal or objective is that our students will be able to communicate in English according to their age.
That' s why we have to create many resources to teach the students and have them available for the students to interact in English such as games. All children love games, I create a variety of games that are great for the age range, such as game boards, domino, file folder games and more. The intention is that they play on their own and speak English as they do.
I also have two games that are puzzle-solving oriented: puzzles and half card games. Those are great for pair work.
Role-playing is easy if you have the materials to prompt the language. Masks and puppets are wonderful for the littles ones as they become shy to speak English in front of the class. These resources are good to have in hand to model dialogues.
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ESL/EFL Preschool Teachers : https://www.facebook.com/groups/26091497243