3P's lessons plans

jueves, 11 de julio de 2024

Furniture in the House Worksheets for Elementary ELLs


Use the 3P model of teaching and learning with this resource that  is part of the House Furniture for Elementary ESL, at my store:


3P model of teaching and learning

These Worksheets include engaging clear pictures of the different furniture items, which help students associate words with images, aiding in vocabulary retention. Print the interactive and fun worksheets, keeping students engaged and motivated.

This is a set of worksheets that helps students visually connect the word with the number on each furniture object.

Print the cut and paste worksheets for a group of two students. They will
match the picture to sentences and glue onto carboard or notebooks, creating a physical activity that can aid memory. This allows teachers to assess students’ understanding and progress of the grammar points.

Read and color worksheets combine reading comprehension with a fun, interactive coloring activity. It improves students' reading skills and vocabulary.

 There are fill in the blanks worksheets for using the vocabulary in context, a word search and answer to reinforce spelling, matching the word to the picture, and a bedroom design page.

Have students complete the sentences related to the furniture. Coloring helps students visualize and remember the furniture vocabulary.

A little counting! Have the students count all these furniture items in their house. They can also add more items on their notebooks. And if you are willing, make a graph on the board.

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lunes, 8 de julio de 2024

Writing the warm-up section in a lesson plan to teach English Language Learners

The 3P lesson plan template is available here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/lesson-plan-to-teach-English-Language-Learners-11780557

3P lesson plan template

The warm-up part of the lesson plan is an activity that:

·        activates prior knowledge

·        related to the lesson topic

·        get the students ready and focused for the class.

It provides a scaffold that supports students as they progress to more complex tasks.

The warm-up can be a review of a previous lesson, vocabulary or grammar point taught before. It should be closely related to your objective. It builds students' confidence.

It gives students a preview of what they will be learning, helping to set clear expectations.

Choose an easy and dynamic activity that engages your students in active participation to start the lesson taking into consideration the different proficiency levels in your class.

Write the name of that warm-up activity that you selected and list the materials needed. Clearly explain how to do that activity. Keep a list or file of warm-up activities that work well with your class.

Use the lesson plan warm-up bank template.

This part of the lesson is short, it should be between 5 to 10 minutes.

Use the warm-up activities as an informal assessment. It gives you an insight into students' understanding and readiness for the lesson.

Here is a simple an easy idea to write in your warm-up bank. Do a simple chat with the What’s your favorite ---? Worksheets. It can be the favorite color, toy, animal, etc. Get the worksheets here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/My-favorite-worksheets-for-Kindergarten-ESL-11845117

After the warm-up comes the presentation part, right here:             https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2024/07/writing-presentation-part-of-lesson.html

Follow my TPT store to get notifications on the new freebies available:


sábado, 6 de julio de 2024

Furniture in the House Small Cards for Elementary ELLs

 This resource is part of the House Furniture for Elementary ESL, at my store:


The furniture small cards can be used in various interactive activities that you will check out in this blog post. These cards are easy to carry from one classroom to another.

Print and have these flexible teaching tools for your class.

Listen and draw the furniture items. Practice the furniture vocabulary with cards. It will help reinforce vocabulary through repetition.

Teacher: Lamp! Draw a lamp.

Take a look at the video:

Write the word. The small size of the cards helps maintain learners' focus on individual items. I used letters stickers to write the words that are on each small card.

Students can also draw pictures to illustrate each word.

Have the students say sentences as a speaking activity. Check the video:

Show me the furniture. Teachers can quickly assess students' knowledge with this easy activity.

Place several small cards on the board or table. Hold up a furniture piece flashcard. Ask the students to find the same matching one and say a sentence: It’s a clock.

My example video.

Adjective-noun phrase using small cards
. This exercise can be easily adjusted to suit different proficiency levels in your class. Write adjective and noun words on small cards. Have the students write adjective words that you either dictate or that they write on the cards.

Students will match the item on the small card and the adjectives cards. They can write these phrases on their notebooks.

Here's the video:

Guess the furniture item. Cards facilitate group work, allowing students to practice speaking and listening skills collaboratively. Place the small cards on a table. Write the word that the students will guess on a piece of paper and hide it. Have the students ask questions to guess: Is it pink?

Teacher: No, it isn’t. It’s not a bathtub. (You can take away that small card)
Students: Is it round? Is it a circle?
Teacher: Yes, it is!
Students: It’s a clock!

My guessing example:

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miércoles, 3 de julio de 2024

Writing The objective in a lesson plan to teach English Language Learners

 This is part of a series of using the lesson plan 3Ps procedure to teach English Language Learners. The template will be available at my TPT Store:  https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/lesson-plan-to-teach-English-Language-Learners-11780557

Writing the objective of the 3P method lesson plan is being able to see the big picture of WHAT you are going to teach.

3P method lesson plan

Ask yourself and write the answer:

1.   What is the Learning Aim, purpose or Goal? A lesson plan can have several objectives. What content are you teaching? What will be the outcome at the end of the lesson?


2.   Does the objective align with the overall curriculum?

3.  Which language skills will be the target?

4.  Choose specific action verbs that describe observable and measurable behaviors for the content or topic the students will be working with?

Keep reading on writing the warm-up part of the lesson plan:    https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2024/07/writing-warm-up-section-in-lesson-plan.html

You can DM on Instagram for any questions about lesson planning.


martes, 2 de julio de 2024

Furniture in the House Flashcards for Elementary ELLs

 This resource is part of the House Furniture for Elementary ESL, at my store:


Use the flashcards to present the names of common furniture items to build foundational vocabulary. They are presented with clear images and the name of the item in an easy-to-read font. They also offer a visual and interactive way to learn and remember vocabulary.

The printable flashcards are helpful for students to associate the word with the visual image of the furniture, reinforcing memory.

Have the learners identify each one: This is a bathtub.

Room Sorting: Have students sort flashcards into categories based on the room where each piece of furniture is found.  Learners can describe where something is located in the house.
Teacher: The sink is in the bathroom.
Students: The toilet is in the bathroom.

Students can practice listening through the mind map. They will find the flashcards of the items that are in the living room and say the word of each one. Ask questions:

Teacher: Where is the lamp?
Students: The lamp is next to the sofa.

Continue by grouping more flashcards by room. This helps students make connections easier.

Place several flashcards on the board and ask: What it is? and then, Where does it go?

Teacher: What is this?
Students: It’s a lamp?
Teacher: Where does it go?
Students: The living room.

Counting furniture in a house using the grammar structure: There are.

Teacher: There are four chairs.

Make learning fun through this activity. Flashcard Bingo: Place 20 cards of the furniture items on the board. Have the students copy the written word of only 10 of them on a piece of paper or notebook. Call out the names and have students mark the corresponding item if they have written it. The winner is the one that crosses out all the words first.

Let’s say where people are.

Teacher: Where are they?

Students: They are on the chair.

Find more ideas and resources at my Pinterest Board.
