3P's lessons plans

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

Rooms of the house small cards for Elementary EFL

                This TESOL resource is included in the House Unit available here: 


TESOL resource

The small cards are easy to use anywhere in class, on the table, on the floor, outside on the playground. Plan small group activities or with a partner to encourage conversation and collaborative learning. The cards are flexible to suit the individual learning goals that you have planned.

Print your set of small cards and do a little spelling as your students will use them as a reference to write them down on any surface that you have available. I used these writing erasable strips and whiteboard markers. Suitable to practice the vocabulary of the parts of the house.

small cards parts of the house

My example is just writing words, but students can write complete sentences.

Small cards can be used for repetition and review.

Using a white crayon, a group of students will write the rooms of the house words on a white cardboard in random order.  They will give that cardboard to another group, who will use finder paints to color over the words to discover the words. Then, they will match the small cards to each word.

These cards will aid in comprehension and memory retention. Make a house using the small cards and cardboard to use in class.

lesson plan model for english

Students will actively engage with the material as you ask questions with Where?

Have the students place the family members where you say: Mother is in the bedroom!
Or ask questions: Where is mother?
Students: She is in the kitchen!
Is brother in the garden or the bathroom?
Students: in the garden!

ask questions with Where? small cards

It can also be a writing activity. Tailor the learning experience to your student’s needs.

Have your students place all the family members where they want and then they should write a text.

This resource has a Holiday included, here is the blog post:   https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2025/03/st-patricks-day-and-house-unit.html

This resource is included in a Bundle:   https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Elementary-English-Language-learners-teaching-Units-Starters-BUNDLE-11215540

Check my LINKTREE with all social media and more. https://linktr.ee/HolisticEnglishResources?subscribe

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

Rooms of the house for Elementary English Teachers

 This resource is included in the House Unit available here: 


Useful for the English as a Second Language Specialist.

English as a Second Language Specialist.

Using this resource with your students they will be able to understand and produce in an oral form the parts of the house using the simple present (grammar). They will learn to ask questions and use the preposition of place with the family members.

Introduce the home vocabulary. Place the house flashcard in the middle of the board. Teach the new word of the unit creating a mind map.
Start adding the rooms of the house for your students to repeat.
Teacher: This is the bathroom!
Students: bathroom!
Students can look, point to each room of the house and say each word: bedroom!
Talk about the color of the rooms. Teacher: What color is the bathroom?
Students: blue!
Teacher: What color is the bathroom in your house?
Students: It’s gray!

home vocabulary flashcards

By now, the students should be able to identify and name the parts of the house. They can say which one is their favorite room in the house.

Teacher: What’s your favorite room in the house?
Student 1: The bathroom.
Tally the answers and draw conclusions of the results with your class.
Teacher: What was the favorite room in the house?
Student 1: the dining room.

parts of the house

Make connections with prior knowledge.The Family Members are in the house. Students will be able to state where the family members are. It is a good moment to revise the family members vocabulary. Make an emphasis to the phrase in the (room)
Stick the flashcards on the board and an arrow to a room and say a sentence: Mother is in the bathroom.
Elicit who they see and where they are. Review the pronouns he and she.
Ask questions: Where is father?
Students: He is in the living room.

Family Members are in the house flashcards

Place only the parts of the house flashcards on the board and hand in a family member to seven students. They have to listen to your sentences to where they to put them.
Teacher: Father is in the living room.
Then, ask questions: Where is grandpa?
Students: He’s in the kitchen.
Teacher: Is grandma in the bathroom?
Students: yes, she is.
Teacher: Is the baby in the garden?
Students: No, he isn’t.

parts of the house flashcards

Review the key language by Playing this guessing game.  Place a family member with an arrow that goes to a room of a house, but cover the flashcard of the family member or put in backwards. Have students ask yes/no questions: Is mother in the garden?
Teacher: NO! Guess again!
Students: Is sister in the garden?
Teacher: yes!! Uncover the family member.
Continue with more.

guessing game

Display the rooms of the house flashcards in different parts of the classroom. Select 6 students to go to one of the them: Pedro, go to the kitchen!

When all the students are at a room ask questions: Lily, where are you?
Lily: I am in the living room.

Talk about your house. Present there is and there are for this activity. Try to create a house map and place several bedrooms and bathrooms. Teacher: There are 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house. There is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen.
Ask negative questions: Are there four kitchens?
Students: NO! There aren’t four kitchens. There is one.
Have several students come and place the flashcards to represent their home.

Talk about your house

I have checked several text books and I haven’t seen the parts of the house in the scope and sequence. But I will include the flashcards in the resource. Just make a simple mind map to introduce the new words: roof, door, chimney, window using the  flashcards.

parts of the house flñashcards activity

There is a set of several houses with different colors and with roofs, chimneys, doors and windows in different color condition. Have your students do sorting on the board or on the table. Students can sort by color the chimney.

several houses with different colors and with roofs, chimneys, doors and windows

It can also be the doors.

Try with the Windows.

Hope you print your flashcards and provide your students with games and activities for practising the new vocabulary.

Check my other blog for more resources, ideas and activities for the House Unit:


sábado, 14 de octubre de 2023

Family unit Books for the Elementary EFL

    This resource is included in the Family Unit for Elementary English Language Learners-Starters.   Perfect for Elementary ESL teacher.

Click here:     https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Activities-for-Elementary-ELL-1804475

Elementary ESL teacher.

Find two classroom readers to help your students support the new vocabulary. Dedicate a space for writing and then reading. This kind of activity helps into building confidence in creating texts.

The focus is the family members key vocabulary and the structures that have been revised through the unit. Invite your learner to explore writing. Print and staple as many pages that you think students might need to write about the family member that they choose. They will draw that family member on the cover or add a photo. Students will read to the class their book.

family members key vocabulary book

This is an old book with pictures to complement the sentences. This kind of picture books are very effective as a learning tool.

Follow me at my Facebook Fan Page and see all the new FREEBIES!

martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

Family Unit Games for Elementary ELL

         This resource is included in the Family Unit for Elementary English Language Learners-Starters.   Click here:     https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Activities-for-Elementary-ELL-1804475

enseignante d'anglais

Cognitive and social skills are at play with the board games. Just print the motivating activities as many as you need for 4 students. It comes with golf balls as markers, students will get to chose their favorite color to play. I added an open clip behind each one to make it stand. The board game has a light green and dark green spaces. Depending on where the student lands, he/she will take that color card and answer the question in order to move on the board.

family unit board games

This descriptive sentence activity with cards helps with writing rich, detailed sentences. Students will write their sentences first using the cards and putting in as many words or cards as possible. Then, they will write all the sentences and draw /color the person that they described.

Using adjectives to write sentences is essential for effective communication, either when writing or speaking.descriptive sentence family unit

An old family unit domino game that I couldn’t leave behind. Use it as an assessment tool to see how your students can interact and use active vocabulary during gameplay.

domino game

A matching words and picture quilt. Students will match the family member word, the adjectives tall and short, young and old to each picture in the quilt. You will check their comprehension as they associate the words to the picture.

matching words and picture quilt family unit

A pocket chart set is here to aid the students to write sentences related to the hair color in each family member.  It will promote interaction between peers to complete the sentences.

pocket chart family unit

Spelling is a fundamental aspect of written communication. Do this  spelling activity with this robot family set of cards. Students will write all the words in Capitals for attention and maybe fun!

Place the template with the cards that you want to practice inside a clear plastic sheet and have the students write the words using whiteboard markers in different colors and then erase for future use.

Spelling family unit

Letters for writing words. Another spelling activity for building confidence. Just print the letters, as many as you need and have students use the small cards as a reference.

Letters for writing words family unit

Next part will be the Family Unit book.


Follow me at my TPT store and get the note to followers with the freebies of the week.              LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Holistic-English-Resources-By-Rosa-Amelia

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023

Family unit Worksheets for the ESL

       This resource is included in the Family Unit for Elementary English Language Learners-Starters.   Click here:     https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Family-Activities-for-Elementary-ELL-1804475

Insegnante inglese

The worksheets can be an assessment tool for you to identify if there is a gap in the learning process of this unit. Use them as an effective supplement for your textbooks.  Take a look at the all the worksheets that you can find on the resource.

Labeling worksheets are for your students to support writing.Students love to move on to worksheets with the cute family members. 

Labeling worksheets

Some students just need a little help to develop writing in English. Here is a simple tracing worksheet. This one is with mother and father, and I included another worksheet with mom and dad. I can write any word that you are using in your teaching.

tracing worksheet

Playing Picture Bingo improves family members recognition and their facial features. They will have fun and lower their anxiety factor in class. Have the students color the hair in any of the playing colors by using the small cards included in the resource. Those will be your calling cards.

Teacher: Mother has brown hair! If the student has it, he/she will cross it out. The winner is the one to cross all the family members.

Playing Picture Bingo

Adding adjectives to express the physical characteristics of the family members can be challenging for the newcomers. Practice using young and old and tall short to make more meaningful the way to talk about the people. This is a set of sorting worksheets. Students will cut any of the worksheets and paste where it corresponds. They can draw or bring pictures of their family members and sort accordingly.

adjectives to express the physical characteristics

Let’s go for a crossword fun to improve independent learning.


Engage students into writing the real names of their family members. Then, Let’s work on sentence construction to develop the linguistic competence. On a paper or notebook students can write sentences about their families as my example.

sentence construction family unit worksheet

Promote active learning with this worksheet.

all family members name

Students will complete the sentence and will be a prompt for extra writing.

complete the sentence family unit

Reading simple sentences and matching to the correct picture and write the corresponding name will model proper writing.

Reading simple sentences family unit

Another worksheet to use for reading short sentences as part of the the reading instruction routine.

reading short sentences

Adding a little spice to the writing part, there two dice. One with long hair for women and another with short hair for men. Throw the dice, complete the sentences and color accordingly.

writing part family unit worksheet

Students will draw their family and write a short description.Ask them questions about the drawing: Who's this? What's his/hername?
draw their family worksheets

Use the designed questionnaires, there are three to choose from, such as “How many people are there in your family?" You can prepare a bar graph on the board. Challenge your students to compete in two teams to see who can collect the most survey responses within a given time limit. Give an award and count the answers.

tracing family members

I am including two old worksheets for this unit. 

family all namefamily members vocabulary exercises


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