3P's lessons plans

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020

Day 2 of the 31 days of Halloween 2020 New Resources for ESL or EFL Students

LINK to the Halloween resource: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/31-days-of-Halloween-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6087756


 Day 2.  Halloween BINGO game!!  Today it is the BINGO game! I love playing this game in class. There is a template for the students.

The calling cards for the teacher. I only added these colors. If you need more colors just color the students template or let me know to make them for you. 

There are more things to do with the calling cards. I suggest students sort the cards on their template to review the vocabulary.

Incorporate speaking ¡ Take a look.

The sorting can be done on a pocket chart or on the table.

The student’s template can be turned into a mobile. I found this idea of using straws to do it. It was quite easy. I used thin straws but maybe thicker straws would be better. I passed yarn through the Straw to put the mobile up.

 Finished look.

I would love to see how how you used the templates. 

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jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

31 days of Halloween 2020 New Resources for ESL or EFL Students

 LINK to the Halloween resource: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/31-days-of-Halloween-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6087756

Day 1For today, I planned a printable book. It can be done in class or at home.

 The students will have to trace the phrases using either one color or tracing the color Word in the same color. You can vary the instruction as much as you want.

Make your own book and read it to the students online or in class. You can also read the colored versión.

                              Cut up all the pages.

I assembled the pages by gluing a strip of paper to each page. I stapled them together.

I used Halloween duct tape to put the book together.

I would love to see how how you put your book together. The next blog post is the Halloween Bingo for the little ones:   https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2020/10/day-2-of-the31-days-of-halloween-2020.html

                                               Follow me! 

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2020

Alphabet Workbook or Worksheets and more for English Language Learners

  I updated the resource, I changed the clip art and the font of the workbook.
There aren´t many alphabet workbooks designed with the EFL learner in mind. In such a need for the school that I coordinate EFL Preschool, I created this multiuse resource.
Get the file here: 

ESL Alphabet printable worksheets

   The selection of the correct resource will benefit your students. Use it as a workbook, print all the pages and then bind or just use it as worksheets whenever you need more material for a specific letter.

Printable Alphabet Workbook. The school turned the resource into a workbook. Students can learn the name and the sound of each letter. I listed three common words that begins with each letter. There are three pages per letter. Printable Alphabet Workbook.

Page 1 is to introduce the letter. Reinforce the Capital letter and small letter.
Teacher: Point to letter G.
Teacher: Color Letter G red.
Teacher: point to the girl.
Teacher: Color the girl.
Teacher: trace letter Gg blue and repeat the letter.

Page 2 is to color and trace the words with the letter. Then, students can cut all the items into flashcards to play games in class or to create minibooks and more as you will see below.    Teacher: Point to letter G. Color Letter G yellow. Continue dictating the color of the other items. 

Page 3 is to wrap up the letter study and create a create something with the letter, that why I put the word CRAFT. For this letter, the students turned the letter G into a glue bottle.Students can also cut that part of the page and use on their notebook for anything you want to do more activities. Teacher: Find letter G. Color Letter G green. Continue dictating the color of the capital G and the small g.

Here is the complete workbook.Check the VIDEO:

Make books. There are so many ways to create books to take home to practice the alphabet. Here are some examples of all the book you can make. The idea is to expand into other activites the pictures and words from the workbook.

make a craft for each letter to reinforce letter names. Hang them up in your classroom. This file has been a best seller in my TPT store. Teacher have hung them up in their rooms, some have done them in class with the children. Many teachers have found them easy to assemble, but if there is a special request for any letter let me know.

                     I added awards, labels for the flashcards and for the books.      

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020

End of the school year printable book

Go to my store and grab it for FREE!! LINK: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/All-About-Me-For-Elementary-EFL-5934773

 For the end of this different school year I created this printable book. It turned out cute. Students sent their videos with their version and they were beyond perfect.

Provide students with this meaningful production experience.

Take a look at the video and see how I assembled it. I sent the video to the students as an example and they did it with their own information and it showed how much fun they had along with the family.


Check my Instagram Account:    https://www.instagram.com/rosamelia_eslteacher/

 Follow me! And add your email to the follow by email box on the right. 

martes, 11 de agosto de 2020

Recycle old CD Cases and CDs for distance teaching

 With distance learning taking place for many English Language Learners sometimes you need that the students get a board. Well, the wipe board might be at home between the DVD movies. Have the students collect the old DVD or CD cases and take out the movie insert and place a blank paper inside the case. 

                               Offer new learning opportunities to your students.

Old CDs that sit around the house of your students can be recycled. I made this FREE printable for the family members. Students can print them at home and you can use them for speaking opportunities through the distance learning.  It is as easy as printing and gluing.
Teacher: Show me mommy!
Students: Mommy!
It is available just by request. Here is my email: ei98srl@gmail.com

Here are some ideas on how to use the CD cases in class but easily adapted for distance teaching.

Idea 1. Any dry erase marker works for writing on the case. Use it for dictation or spelling practice. Everything can be erased using a baby wipe.

Open the CD case and insert colored paper and have the students sort any cards or write words that need to be sorted.

Idea 2. Students can cut magazine pictures and write the words on the CD case. Then, they can store the pictures inside the case to use them in another occasion.

 I made a game board and I made a game board and then placed the game pieces inside the case. Anything can be stored inside.

Idea 3. I also made an accordion book for the CD case.

In case you want the templates to the ideas seen above, here is the link: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Breakfast-and-Lunch-FOOD-unit-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-EFL-2393252

Follow me and leave your comments or requests.


sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020

Worksheet tips for the Seasons Unit

 As I was repinning the worksheets from the Seasons Unit I thought of creating a more visual picture on how the worksheets can be reused instead of throwing them into the trash can or collecting them into a folder. Students need guidance  in the learning process.

Link to the worksheets: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Seasons-Unit-for-Elementary-ESL-1744981

These ideas can be done with any worksheet that you are using with you students. Always give your students multiple opportunities to reinforce the written form of the vocabulary from this unit.I would love to see what you come up with.

Idea 1. I use almost any worksheet as a listening opportunity. Say what color each word or picture the students have to use. Then, as the students cut the worksheet and glue on their notebooks think of students writing simple sentences according to their level.

Idea 2. Have the students turn any worksheet into a creative art kind of activity. In this case I use the trees and made them stand. Then, play an easy show me game.

Teacher: Show me the Winter tree!

Ask questions:

Teacher: What color is the Summer tree?

Students: green and brown!

Idea 3. Join one worksheet with another and make a bigger sorting activity on their notebook.


 It’s just a matter of thinking new ways of recycling the worksheets. I will bring in more examples, so follow me!