LINK to the Halloween resource:
Day 7. Tracing cards and feed me box!!
The tracing cards are meant to be used with students that starting to
write in their mother tongue and are ready to try to do it in English. There is
a colored versión that can be used with a clear plastic sheet or laminated.
With a dry erase marker all the words can be traced.
There is the black and white versión in which students can color the pictures
and trace the words. Then cut into cards.
Students will
feed the Jack-O-Lantern with the cards that has the ítem that you name or call.
Teacher: Feed the Jack-O-Lantern the pail.
The magnetic
letters can be pulled out again for writing using the cards.
I am sure you can think of more games and activities, leave me your idea below. A printable book for the Halloween Unit!