3P's lessons plans

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020

Day 7 of the 31 days of Halloween 2020 New Resources for ESL or EFL Students

 LINK to the Halloween resource: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/31-days-of-Halloween-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6087756


Day 7.  Tracing cards and feed me box!!  

The tracing cards are meant to be used with students that starting to write in their mother tongue and are ready to try to do it in English. There is a colored versión that can be used with a clear plastic sheet or laminated. With a dry erase marker all the words can be traced.


There is the black and white versión in which students can color the pictures and trace the words. Then cut into cards.

I made a feed me box, it has been a great activity for the little ones. I used a cereal box.

Students will feed the Jack-O-Lantern with the cards that has the ítem that you name or call.
Teacher: Feed the Jack-O-Lantern the pail.

The magnetic letters can be pulled out again for writing using the cards.

Make puzzles!

I am sure you can think of more games and activities, leave me your idea below. A printable book for the Halloween Unit!


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martes, 6 de octubre de 2020

Day 6 of the 31 days of Halloween 2020 New Resources for ESL or EFL Students

 LINK to the Halloween resource: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/31-days-of-Halloween-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6087756


                        Day 6.  Gameboards printable!!  

Gameboards are easy to pull out at any time. I made one to review numbers, another for colors and the alphabet. For older students the Q & A and the shapes. You can place them in a clear plastic sheet for durabilty. Students can write the vocabulary over each image using a whiteboard marker and more. Students can write questions if they are older.

Take a look at the game pieces. I taped an opened clip behind each character.

For the shapes, I made small flashcards to review them, just in case.

The Questions andAnswers Gameboard is mainly for older students, the cards with the question are the same color of the space they land on. They read the question and answer in order to move on the board. 

Use the gameboard for writing. I placed the gameboard into a plastic clear sheets and have the students write sentences using a dry erase marker. 
or just write the number word.
I am sure you can think of more games and activities, leave me your idea below. Students can start writing, check it out! 

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lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

Day 5 of the 31 days of Halloween 2020 New Resources for ESL or EFL Students

 LINK to the Halloween resource: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/31-days-of-Halloween-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6087756

Day 5.  Domino Game printable!!  

Easy for today. Just print the game and it will work for any age students for lots of fun!


I am sure you can think of more games and activities, leave me your idea below. And check out more games for Halloween.


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domingo, 4 de octubre de 2020

Day 4 of the 31 days of Halloween 2020 New Resources for ESL or EFL Students

Day 4. Halloween Numbers printable!!   Just the numbers 1 to 10 to do activities in class.

Print the Pumpkin Numbers template and have the students color the numbers as you dictate them. It’s numbers and colors review. They can even say the color for each number. Teacher: Color Number 1 red.

The students cut all the numbers and the games will start.

Students can make a number sequence on their desk. Then, ask questions about the color of each number.
Teacher: What color is number 2?
Students: Black!
Teacher: Number two is black.

Using magnetic numbers students can match one number to another.

I used the Bingo cards from the last resource to match the number representation.

Using the cards from the previous resource and placed a card under each number. Ask questions:
Teacher: Who is number 3?
Students: The Devil!
Students: Number 9!
Teacher: Witch!
Teacher: The Haunted House!
Students: Five!

I placed the number cutouts on recycled CDs. I cut yellow cardboard to cover the CD. Then, glued the number. It is easier to manipulate online or in class.


Use manipulatives to match the numbers to the amount each number respresents.

I am adding the numbers words for more activities.


I am sure you can think of more games and activities, leave me your idea below. Try a printable domino game for your warm up or wrap up.


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sábado, 3 de octubre de 2020

Day 3 of the 31 days of Halloween 2020 New Resources for ESL or EFL Students

 LINK to the Halloween resource: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/31-days-of-Halloween-for-Kindergarten-and-Elementary-ESL-6087756

Day 3. Halloween small cards!! 

Just 24 cards with the main vocabulary words used in Halloween. The cards are small enough for online teaching or small groups approach.

The cards can be used to teach or review the vocabulary. Video:

And now, the games! The most obvious, Memory Game. Just print double and you have Memory! A video:

I came across a game that I used to play with my students years ago. It’s called SNAP! You might have played,too. Print 2 sets of cards. Students mainly pay in groups of 4. Distribute all the cards, students place all the 6  cards face down on a pile in front of them. The first students turns over their top card of their pile and say the Word.  The next student turns over the top card say the Word again. And so on. When two cards are the same, the first player to say SNAP! And slap the two cards wins the two cards. The winner is the one with the most sets of cards. Take a look.

Using a recycled old CD case as a board. Students write the Word that is on each card.

Vocabulary can be written using magnetic letters 

Sorting can happen using plastic plates. I wrote the words person and thing and had the students sort the cards.

A Grid can de done on a small board for online teaching or just for small groups. I placed a magnet behind each card. Make the grid as big as you want. I created an example here. You say a number letter combination and students will say what is there. Or you say the Word and the say the number-letter combination of its location.

Look at it.

Play Spelling Bingo. Students complete their spelling grid with the words from the cards. You call out the bingo using the cards.

I am sure you can think of more games and activities, leave me your idea below. Make sure to review the numbers!   https://eflelementaryresources.blogspot.com/2020/10/day-4-of-31-days-of-halloween-2020-new.html

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